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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Shamel Ahmed Shanan
مشرف / Mohamed Hashem El-Deb
مناقش / Mamdouh Mohamed Fawzy Abdallah
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 165.:
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - البساتين
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Storage experiment was conducted during two successive seasons (2011-2012 and 2012-2013) in the laboratory of Vegetable Handling Research Department., Horticulture Res. Inst. ARC, at Giza Governorate, on the fruits of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Testy F1 hybrid. Fruits were obtained from private farm in Ismailia Governorate. The work of the carried investigation was planted under plastic house conditions during winter seasons. Sweet pepper fruits were harvested at 3/4 red color stage to study the effect of some postharvest treatments on the quality and storability of sweet pepper fruits. Only uniform fruits in size, weight, and color with short calyx (1 cm) that were sound, healthy and free from any visible defects were selected for postharvest experiment as follow:
1- Effect of hot water treatments on reducing chilling injury and maintaining the quality of sweet pepper fruits during cold storage
Sweet pepper fruits were dipped for 3 minutes in hot water at temperatures of 45 and 55ºC, while the control fruits dipped for the same period on tap water at 20ºC, then stored at 5 and 8ºC and 90-95% RH for 28 days.
The results could be summarized as follows:
1- Sweet pepper fruits treated with the different hot water temperatures decreased the loss in weight percentage during every storage period as compared with the untreated fruits, however, fruits treated with hot water at 45°C were the most effective treatment in reducing the weight loss percentage.
2- No decay was observed in sweet pepper fruits treated with different hot water temperatures and control after 7 or 14 days of storage.
3- Sweet pepper fruits treated with the different hot water temperatures (45°C and 55°C) decreased the decay incidence after 21 and 28 days of storage as compared with untreated fruits.
4- Hot water at 45°C was the most effective treatment in minimizing decay incidence after 21 and 28 days of storage.
5- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water treatments (45 and 55°C) were better in maintained fruit gloss when compared with control. Hot water at 45°C was the most effective treatment in this concern after 28 days of storage.
6- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water (45 or 55°C) treatments were much better in reducing shriveling and thus longer storage periods were gained, however, hot water at 45°C was the most effective treatment in minimizing shriveling.
7- No shriveling was observed in hot water treatments or untreated control in fruits after 7 and 14 days of storage, the shriveling fruits started to be shown after 21 days of storage.
8- After 28 days of storage, sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water (45 or 55°C) treatments were much better in reducing pitting. Hot water at 45°C was the most effective treatment in minimizing pitting; however, untreated control recorded the highest ones.
9- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water treatments was much better in reducing calyx darkening in fruits while, hot water at 45°C was the most effective treatment in minimizing this character after 28 days of storage.
10- Fruits treated with hot water at 45°C and 55°C were much better in reducing seed darkening after 28 days of storage. Using the degree of 45°C was the most effective one in this concern.
11- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C and 55°C were fruit texture than those of untreated control during all storage period.
12- There was no significant difference in TSS content among hot water treatment including control after 7, 14 and 21 days of storage, however after 28 days of storage, sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C, exhibited highest TSS content compared with untreated control.
13- There was no significant difference in ascorbic acid content between hot water treatments and control after 7, 14 and 21 days of storage, however, after 28 days of storage fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C treatment exhibited highest ascorbic acid content compared with control.
14- Sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45 or 55°C retained more carotenoids content compared to untreated control with no significant differences between them after 28 days of storage.
2- Effect of chitosan coating treatments on reducing chilling injury and maintaining quality of sweet pepper fruits during cold storage
Sweet pepper fruits were sprayed with chitosan solution at the concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0% in addition to untreated control (sprayed with tap water at 20ºC), then stored at 5 and 8ºC and 90-95% RH for 28 days.
The results could be summarized as follows:
1- The various chitosan concentration treatments (0.5 and 1.0%) were effective in minimizing the loss in weight percentage in the stored fruits as compared with the untreated ones during all storage period; however, fruits treated with chitosan coating at 0.5% resulted in prominent reduction in weight loss percentage.
2- No decay was observed in sweet pepper fruits treated with chitosan at the two concentrations (0.5 and 1.0%) and control after 7 or 14 days of storage.
3- Sweet pepper fruits treated with the two concentration of chitosan decreased the decay incidence after 21 and 28 days of storage as compared with untreated control.
4- Sweet pepper fruits treated with chitosan at the two concentrations (0.5 and 1.0%) were maintained fruit gloss with no significant differences between them as compared with untreated control after 28 days of storage.
5- After 28 days of storage, fruits treated with chitosan at the two concentrations provided the lowest value of shriveling, fruits dipped in 0.5% chitosan was the most effective treatment in reducing shriveling, while untreated control gave the highest value.
6- Fruits treated with chitosan at the two concentrations (0.5 and 1.0%) had significantly greater fruit texture as compared with untreated control. No significant differences between two concentrations of chitosan in all storage period.
7- Pitting in the surface of fruits occurred only in sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C after 14 days of storage and gave the highest score after 28 days of storage.
8- After 28 days of storage, fruits treated with chitosan at 0.5 and 1.0% were much better in reducing calyx darkening as compared with untreated control with no significant differences between them.
9- Fruits treated with chitosan at 0.5 and 1.0% were much better in reducing seed darkening as compared with untreated control with no significant difference between them after 28 days of storage.
10- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in chitosan at 0.5 and 1.0% exhibited highest TSS contents as compared with untreated control, however, chitosan treatments at 0.5% was the most effective treatment in retained their TSS after 28 days of storage.
11- Sweet pepper fruits treated with chitosan at 0.5 and 1.0% had the highest values of ascorbic acid compared with control. Fruits dipped in chitosan at 0.5% were the most effective treatment in retained ascorbic acid content.
12- After 28 days of storage, fruits treated with chitosan at the two concentrations (0.5 and 1.0%) was maintained total carotenoids content with no significant differences between them as compared with untreated control.
3- Effect of storage temperature on fruit quality of sweet pepper during storage
1- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C exhibited the least loss in weight percentage, while fruits stored at 8°C obtained the highest ones during all storage period.
2- No decay was observed in sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C and 8°C for 7 or 14 days of storage.
3- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 8°C gave the lowest decay score and the highest ones came from fruits stored at 5°C after 21 and 28 days of storage.
4- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 8°C had the highest value of gloss score, while those stored at 5°C gave the lowest ones after 28 days of storage.
5- The less the temperature of storage was the less the score of shriveling fruits, sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C were much better in reducing shriveling after 28 days of storage.
6- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 8°C did not show any pitting during storage periods.
7- Pitting in the surface of fruits occurred only in sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C after 14 days of storage and gave the highest score after 28 days of storage.
8- Calyx darkening of sweet pepper fruits occurred in fruits stored at 5°C after 21 days of storage gave the highest score after 28 days of storage, however, fruits storage at 8°C did not shown any symptoms of calyx darkening after 7, 14 and 21 day of storage and gave none to slight score after 28 days of storage.
9- Seed darkening occurred only in fruits stored at 5°C after 21 days of storage and gave the highest score after 28 days of storage, however, fruits stored at 8°C did not show any seed darkening during all storage period.
10- After 21 and 28 days of storage, the highest values of fruit texture comparatively resulted from fruit stored at 8°C and the lowest ones came from those stored at 5°C.
11- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C had the highest value of TSS content compared with those stored at 8°C after 14, 21 and 28 days of storage.
12- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C had the highest value of ascorbic acid content compared with those stored at 8°C after 28 days of storage.
13- Sweet pepper fruits stored at 5°C gave the highest value of total carotenoids content, while those stored at 8°C resulted the lowest ones after 28 days of storage.
4- Effect of hot water and chitosan treatments on reducing chilling injury and maintaining quality of sweet pepper fruits during cold storage
1- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C + chitosan at 0.5% and then stored at 5°C had the lowest weight loss percentage, however the highest ones were obtained from untreated control which stored at 8°C during all storage period.
2- No decay was observed in all treatments of fruits (hot water + chitosan treatments) and control stored at 5°C or 8°C after 7 or 14 days of storage.
3- After 28 days of storage, no decay was observed in sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45°C + chitosan at 0.5% or 1.0% and stored at 5°C or 8°C and hot water at 55°C + chitosan at 0.5% and stored at 8°C, while untreated control stored at 5°C gave the highest values of decay score.
4- Sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45°C + chitosan at 0.5 and stored at 8°C had maintained fruit gloss after 28 days of storage.
5- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C and chitosan at the two concentrations and then stored at 5 or 8°C provided the lowest value of shriveling while untreated control gave the highest values after 28 days of storage.
6- Sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45°C + chitosan at the two concentrations and kept at 5°C did not develop any pitting after 21 days of storage and gave traces of pitting after 28 days of storage.
7- Fruits treated with hot water at 45°C + chitosan at 0.5% and kept at 5°C did not develop any calyx darkening after 21 days of storage and gave traces of this character of the fruits after 28 days of storage.
8- Sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45°C + chitosan at the two concentration and stored at 5°C did not show any seed darkening till 21 days of storage and gave traces of this character after 28 days of storage.
9- Sweet pepper fruits dipped in hot water at 45°C + chitosan at 0.5% and stored at 5°C or 8°C had significantly greater fruit texture with no significant differences between fruits stored at 5 and 8°C as compared with the other treatments and untreated control.
10- After 28 days of storage, sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45ºC + chitosan at 0.5% and stored at 5ºC exhibited highest ascorbic acid contents compared with untreated control which stored at 5 and 8ºC.
11- After 28 days of storage, sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45ºC + chitosan at 0.5% and stored at 5ºC exhibited highest TSS contents compared with untreated control which stored at 5 and 8ºC.
12- After 28 days of storage, sweet pepper fruits treated with hot water at 45°C and then coated with chitosan at the two concentrations (0.5 and 1.0%) and stored at 5°C was maintained the total carotenoids contents as compared with untreated control.