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Radwan, Hend Abd El Khalek.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hend Abd El Khalek Radwan
مشرف / Hosney Ahmed Ismail
مشرف / Ewas Mousa Ahmed
مشرف / Mohamed Abd El Hady El Sayed
مناقش / Mona Abd El-Latif Mohsen
مناقش / Mohamed Gharib El Malky
مناقش / Hosney Ahmed Ismail
مناقش / Mohamed Abd El Hady El Sayed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
181 p. :
علم البيئة ، التطور والسلوك وعلم التصنيف
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - Environmental Basic Sciences
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Water pollution is considered to be one of the most dangerous hazards affecting Egypt. Pollution in the Nile River system (main stem Nile, drains and canals) has increased in the last few decades The Nile is also a primary receptor of wastewater and irrigation return flow. The most polluted part of Nile is the part located between Cairo and Mediterranean Sea within the two branches of Nile, Damietta and Rosetta. Pollution may be derived from dust fall, erosion, chemical weathering or from decay of dead aquatic organisms. The pollution also may be derived from human activity as industrial and agricultural activities or from sewage and ship’s wastes.
Pollution load in the Nile system (Nile River, canals, and drains) has increased due to culture projects, new industrial projects and other activities along the Nile River. Consequently, quality of Nile water worsened dramatically in the past few years. It is anticipated that the dilution capacity of the Nile River system will diminish as the program to expand irrigated agriculture moves forward and the growth in industrial capacity increases the volume of pollutants discharged into the Nile. The major pollution sources of the Nile and main canals are effluents from agricultural drains and treated or partially treated industrial and municipal wastewaters, including oil and wastes from passenger and river boat.
In the present study (17) samples were collected from different areas from the Nile River which contain (8) water, (5) drain water and (4) sediments sample.
Cations for water samples were present in the following order Na+ > Ca++ > K+ > Mg++ expect sample (Talkha area opposite Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura and sample Talkha (after Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura) where Mg++ > Na+ > Ca++ > K+ and Ca+ > Na+ > Mg+ > K+, respectively. Cations for drain samples were present in the following order Na+ > Ca++ > Mg++ > K+ except samples (Belbisdrain, Belbis and El-Monier drain, Belbis) where K+ > Mg++.
The main characteristic features of the studied water chemistry is the prevailing of anions in the order HCO3- > SO4-- > Cl- > CO3-- except sample (Ismailia canal (opposite of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal) and sample (Talkha (after Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura) where SO4- > HCO3- and SO4-- > Cl- > CO3-- > HCO3-.
Ion ratios and hydrochemical coefficients are calculated for studied water and drain samples. For all the collected samples from the study area, rNa/rCl ratio is higher than unity, reflecting its meteoric identity. The studied water and drain samples have values of rMg/rCl < 0.5 in Before Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, After Bayad El-Arab area-Beni Suef, Talkha area (before Electricity Com.) El-Mansoura Tora Cement Company drain, Helwan El-Sahafa drain, Belbis, Belbis drain, Belbis, and El-Monier drain, Belbis which indicates low Mg and /or high Cl in these places. The collected samples showed that most the water samples opposite Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, opposite Tora Cement area, Helwan, Ismailia canal (opposite of the phosphate com.), Abu Zaabal, Talkha area (opposite Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura and Talkha (after Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura are within the specifications of fresh water.
For the studied rCa/rMg ratios, most of samples are more than limit of rain water expect two samples Talkha area (opposite Electricity Com.), Sahafa drain, Belbis which indicate higher Mg than the others. The collected samples have rSO4/rCL > 1 except the samples El-Sahafa drain, Belbis, Belbisdrain, Belbis which reflecting Cl- enrichment may be due to main substitutions. All the collected water samples have negative values of rCl-(rNa+rK)/rCl ratios suggesting an active base exchange.
The behaviors of the hydrochemical parameters in water and drain samples are in the order: rCa/rMg > rNa/rCl > rSO4/rCl > rMg/rCl > rCl-(rNa+rK)/rC expect samples (Ismailia Canal (opposite of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal, Talkha area (opposite Electricity com.), El-Mansoura, Phosphate company drain, Abu Zaabal, El-Sahafa drain, Belbisand El-Monier drain, Belbis).
The values of uranium concentration of the studied water samples and the comparison by the EPA and WHO indicates that all the samples (Before Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, Against Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, Against Tora Cement area, Helwan, Ismailia canal (against of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal and Talkha area (against Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura) have higher values in the WHO and EPA expect three samples (After Bayad El-Arab area-Beni Suef, Talkha area (before Electricity Com.) El-Mansoura and Talkha (after Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura). Uranium concentration in drain sample has range between 113.3 ppb in D-5 (El-monier drain, Belbis) and 36.6 ppb in D-1 (Tora cement company drain, Helwan) which have range 35.8 ppb.
The higher concentrations of Thorium are in samples Before Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, Against Bayad El-Arab area, Beni Suef, After Bayad El-Arab area-Beni Suef, Against Tora Cement area, Helwan, Ismailia canal (against of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal and Talkha area (against Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura while Talkha area (before Electricity Com.) El-Mansoura and W-8 are below the limits. All the samples of water and drain have the permissible limit for radium and radon concentrations.
The study clarified that the radioelements distribution in the water samples is not dependent on the drain water but the main responsible may be the soil sediments on the two banks of the River.
Concentrations of heavy metals in water and drain samples are measured. All water samples have high vanadium concentration range expect Talkha area (before Electricity Com.) El-Mansoura &Talkha (after Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura. For the drain samples all are in the limits expect Tora Cement Company drain, Helwan & El-Monier drain, Bilbis.
All water samples have high chromium concentrations ranged, between 0.21 ppm in sample Talkha area (before Electricity Com.) El-Mansoura 0.4 ppm Ismailia canal (against of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal and for the drain samples all are in the range expect Tora Cement Company drain, Helwan& El-Monier drain, Bilbis.
All water of samples are high in boron concentrations except sample of Front Bayed El-Arab area, Beni Suef .The whole darin are samples in the range except El-Monier drain, Bilbis. For water and drain samples, the concentrations of nickel are below the permissible limit. Most studied water samples are nil in Cd except 2 samples, Against Tora Cement area, Helwan and Talkha area (against Electricity Com.), El-Mansoura which are slightly over the limits. The drain samples are within the limit except El-Monier drain, Belbis.
Pb content in all studied water samples are higher than the permissible limits according to all organizations while in the drain samples Tora Cement Company drain, Helwan and El-Monier drain, Bilbis are higher than the permissible limit. Manganese in most studied water samples are in the permissible limit except but sample Ismailia canal (against of the Phosphate Com.), Abu Zaabal is higher. In the drain samples all are in the limit execpt El-Monier drain, Bilbis.
The sediment samples showed variable concentrations of major and trace elements. The main characteristic features are the high concentrations in SiO2, Fe2O3 and P2O5 which reflect their composition in the water samples in some localities.