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شعر رجب مفتاح الماجري :
حمدان، عبد الحميد محمد
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبد الحميد محمد حمدان
مشرف / صبري إبراهيم السيد
مشرف / عفاف محمد البسطاويسي
مشرف / محمد محفوظ سيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
933ص. :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - اللغة العربية وآدابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 933

from 933


Summary of Study
Profound gratitude to almighty Allah, peace and prayers be upon the most notable messenger prophet Mohamed and His followers.
A scrutiny at how grammar originated, reveals that its major goal is to clarify the meaning, correcting pronunciation thus improving our understanding and consequently enhancing the conversation between the speaker and recipient of the message in question. Therefore, recent studies have sought to establish a connection between grammar and indicative meaning. Undoubtedly, Arab poetry, in ancient or recent times, is viewed as a fertile area for linguistic studies warranting far - fledged examination.
Al Magery is one of Libya’s most renowned poets, with massive revisions introduced to the Arabic poetry in the second half of the 20th century, reasons for selecting Al Magery’s poetry of all other poets, are as follows:
1- Prolific production of the poet has never been linguistically studied, despite its remarkable stature.
2- Studies on Libyan poet’s are currently scarce.
3- Willingness to provide Arab libraries in general, and Libya’s libraries in particular with a new study on contemporary linguistic studies.
Related and previous studies include :
1- Building the sentence in Rashed Al Zoier Al Sonossi Poetry….toward a grammatical indicative study in the 1st poetic collection, dissertation by researcher Ma’attouk Moftan Omran.
2- Al Rassafy Collection of Poems, indicative grammatical dissertation prepared by researcher Millad Abdul Salam Millad.
The present study is therefore, organized into eleven chapters in the following order :
Chapter one : Simple titular sentence
This chapter examines how to start with the definite and indefinite, multiple reports, preceding reports, omissions in poems.
Chapter Two : It contains sentence expansion of verbs (i.e) was and its sisters, close in verbs, and supposition verbs.
Chapter Three : Affirmative verbal sentences
Here verbal sentences of different types, are examined (i.e) intransitive, transitive to one object or two objects, ranking of verbal sentences, omission settings, passive verbal sentences.
Chapter Four : Negative of statements this chapter focuses on tools negating sentences (e.g simple noun, expanded and verbal ones).
Chapter Five : Affirming statements it contains affirmatives of various sentences (i.e) simple, expanded, or verbal.
Chapter Six : Compositions
This chapter examines two subdivisions of composition:
1- Request composition : This includes command, prohibition, call, interrogative and other forms of request sentences.
2- Non-request composition : This is confined to praise, and exclamation.
Chapter Seven : Conditional sentences
It tackles various tools of condition, letters, names, conditions along with combining both condition and swear in conditional sentences, omission in conditional sentences, condition via structural responses.
Chapter Eight : Location of sentences this chapter examines sentences with no formation, or those with formations.
Chapter Nine : Assignment
This chapter reviews status, objective within, absolute object, object serving doer, exception, and discrimination.
Chapter Ten : Attribution
This is limited to epithet, substitution, affirmation, and differentiation pure and on-pure inclusions, besides introduction, omission of included, as required for the inclusion. Having studied Magery’s poetry, listing the various poetic forms, I have come to a number of conclusions:
1- Agreement between Magery and majority of grammarians regarding the introduction whether it is definite or indefinite, the impact of definite introduction on the indefinite. This is due to the fact that introduction must be definite.
2- Magery cut down on omission of report thus indicating the importance of a report as the latter is more important to most grammarians.
3- Magery excessively used amanuensis in the expanded nominal sentence (was) with various types of report and multiple forms, sometimes omitted (was) and its ”report:, in opposition to grammarians’ view that ”was” is the mother of introduction.
4- Magery focused more on the transitive verb to one object in the affirmative verbal sentence. This may be due to willingness to facilitate the meaning to enable recipients to figure out the underlying events.
5- Negative report sentence comes in various forms as it has comprised 64% of sentences used.
6- Affirmative report sentences have been used in different forms with simple nominal sentence making up 62% of sentences used.
7- Magery’s poetry contained a lot of demanding composition with the interrogative sentence domain occupying the major space, stressing the hidden meaning.
8- Magery counters most grammarians in terms of calling the indefinite.
9- Exclamation is used according to the criteria applied, with ”what I do” being more frequently used.
10- Condition tools are various in Magery’s poetry with ”If” making up 37%.
11- The poet tended to use existing status in a singular form contrary to grammarians’ preferences that describing status is more frequently used.
12- Magery preceded the adverb in some cases, contrary to grammarians’ views, however, this was little observed in Magery’s poems.
Finally, having shown profound gratitude to almighty Allah, I would like to thank professor and my mentor Dr. Sabry Ibrahiem Al Saied, for his unforgotten kindness and care, may Allah reward him immensely.