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Combining Ability And Stability Analysis for Quantitative Traits In Maize Inbreds And Their Hybrids Under Water Stress Condition /
Okasha;Salah Ahmed AbdelGawad ahmed.-
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صلاح احمد عبد الجواد احمد عكاشة
مشرف / محمد محمد عبدالله الشرى
مشرف / عبد الرحيم احمد على مصطفى
مناقش / طارق يوسف بيومى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
222 p. ;
العلوم الزراعية والبيولوجية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الزراعة - قسم المحاصيل
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This thesis deals with the lithostratigraphy, biostrastigraphy, micropaleontology and plaeoenviromental changs during the Paleocene / Eocene bounday (PETM) exposed in the study area, northeast Sinai.
*Lithostratigraphically, the studied succession is subdivided into two formations; Esna and Thebes formation in the Gulf of Suez and Sinai as follows.
1- Esna Formation:
A- The lower part (a); the base of this part un exposed in the studied area, it consists from succession of hard to moderately hard, yellowish to dark grey shale, marl , grey marl , gypsum vienlets and calcareous clay rainging in age from the Early to Late Paleocene. This part attains a thickness of about 43m in G. Holet Abu Senna, 30 m in G. El Qusaima , 31 m at G. El Falig and about 37m at G.Um Thamalla .
B- Middle part (b); this part represented by white chalky limestone, yellowish, and argillaceous limestone of Late Paleocene age. The thickness of this part in the studied area ranging from about, 4 m at G. Holet Abu Senna, 3.5 m at G. Um Thamalla and nEarly about 3m at both G. El Falig and G. El Qusaima .
C- Upper part (c); It is composed of blocky to fissile , moderately hard, light grey and calcareous shale intercaled with thin beds of marl. It have thickness of about 15m in G. Holet Abu Senna, 15.5 at G. El Qusaima, 12.5 at G. Um Thamalla and 13.5 m at G. El Falig. It overlies the middle limestome part and underlies the Thebes Formation . It is ranging in age from Late Paleocene to Early Eocene .
2. Thebes Formation
In the studied sections the lower studied part of Thebes formation composed of yellowish to greenish marl, interbedded with chalky limestone, brownish flint nodules and concretions. This formation is represented by 5 m are measured at Gabal El Falig, 6 m at G. El Qusaima, 7 m at Um thamalla and 5 m at G. Holet Abu Senna.
*The paleontological part of this work mainly invol