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Assessment of Mothers Care Provided to Low Birth Weight Neonate after Hospital Discharge /
Amin, Manal Abd El Salam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Manal Abd El Salam Amin
مشرف / Sabah Abd El Mobdy Radwan
مشرف / Magda Abd El Sattar Ahmed
مناقش / Magda Abd El Sattar Ahmed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
189 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Community Health Nursing
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Low birth weight infants are a special group that needs attention and care. However, saving their life is necessary in order to improve infant health and reduce infant mortality rate. Additionally, providing extra support to LBW infants regarding feeding, warmth and growth monitoring has great potential to reduce neonatal mortality rate and promote survival with good quality of life (Opportunities for Africa’s Newborn, (2006) Aim of the Study The aim of this study was to assess the mother’s care for their low birth weight babies after hospital discharge.
Research questions:
• What isthe mothers’ knowledge about low birth weight neonate?
• What are the risk factors affecting health of neonate with low birth weight after hospital discharge?
• Do mothers provide proper quality of care for their low birth weight neonate?
• Is there a relation between mothers’ knowledge and quality of care provided to neonate with low birth weight?
• What are the outcomes of mothers care on infant health status after six months from hospital discharge?
Research Setting:
The study was conducted in obstetrics& genealogical hospital in Neonate Intensive Care Unit of Ain Shams University Hospitals.
Research subjects:
The total number was 247 mothers of low birth weight infant which represent 50% mothers of low birth weight neonate attended in the previously mentioned setting( The total number of Low birth weight babies was 495 in Ain Shams Maternity Hospital.
(NICU department) in 2010&2011. (Statistical of NICU department).
Tools of data collection:
Data collection obtained by the following tools:-
1st Tool:-Interviewing questionnaire, it divided into four parts:
- First Part;was concerned with the Socio demographic characteristics of mother’s age, level of education, residence, family size and monthly income.
- Second Part; was concerned with:
• Mother’s Obstetrics Health Historywhich divided into:-
- Past ObstetricsHistory (as Previous delivery, Previous family planning ……etc.)
-Current ObstetricsHistory (as Antenatal care, Mother takes folic acid……etc.)
-Third Part; to assessLow Birth Weight Neonate Conditions through neonate’s weight, Gender, Apgar Scoring and other items that reflect the infant’s condition.
-Fourth Part ; to assessmother’s knowledge about Low Birth Weight Neonates includes Preventive measures during pregnancy, Importance of breast feeding for mother and infant and Vaccination during the first year.
2nd Tool:-Review of neonate record for (diagnosis, Apgar score, weight, height, mother diagnosis, etc.) -3rd Tool:-Observational check list to assess:
a) Mother’s Care provided to their neonate with low birth weight
b) Home Environment.
- 4th Tool: - Physical examination of infant from head to toessix months post hospital discharge.