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Some Biochemical and immunological studies in rabbits injected with radiated and non radiated antigen /
Aly, Fawzy Ebrahim Shehata.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فوزى ابراهيم شحاته على
مشرف / محمد رجاء رجب حسانين
مناقش / سامى على حسين عزيزة
مناقش / أميمة أحمد رجب أبو زيد
Rabbits juvenile literature.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
200 p. :
Food Animals
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - Biochemistry
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The ionizing radiation could be used in many biological researches which should be established in the area of application, as the using of the ionizing radiation in the preparation of many vaccines against many infectious diseases such as production of active irradiated vaccine against P-multocida and comparing its efficacy with the ordinary dead formalized vaccine.The present work was done on 72 of male New Zealand white rabbits at two months of age. They had neither a history of P. multocide infection nor vaccination. They were classified into three groups; each group contain 24 (twenty four) rabbits arranged as follow:group I: non vaccinated rabbits which used as a II: rabbits vaccinated with P. multocide inactivated by gamma radiation with a dose of ImI per III: rabbits vaccinated with P. multocide inactivated by formalin with a dose of lml per rabbit. The rabbits were subjected to revacination by a subsequent same doses at fivteen days post initial vaccination, wherease blood and liver samples (after sacrificing of 4 rabbits) were collected from each group at 15, 25, 35, 45, days for the assessment of serological, biochemical and immunological investigations.The rabbits were subjected to homologous virulent strain of P. multocida 5-A (subsequent challenge test) at the 45 day after initial vaccination, the serological studies were carried out with the use of indirect Haemagglutination test (IHA).The biochemical studies were dealt with the determination of total proteins, albumin, total globulins, alpha, Beta, and gamma gloubulins,and albumin to globulins (A/G) ratios and immunogloublins (1gG, IgA, and 1gM). The present studies, determined to biochemical paramerters as transaminases (AST and ALT) and serum total bilurubin. Also determinations of DNA, RNA and total proteins as gross indices in liver sample. Moreover, kindney function test was examined through the determination of serum creatinine and urea concentrations.The results can be summarized as follow:1-Gamma radiation at a dose level of 103K rad was sufficient to induce complete inactivation of P. multocida.2-Rabbits immunized with inactivated gamma irradiated P. multocida vaccine gave rise to a pronounced high significant immuno responses by (II-IA) and was as much as that of formalized killed vaccine. The highest immunoresponse was achieved at the 45 — days, while it was found to be significant between irradiated and formalin killed vaccines.3-In challenge, the survival percentage in both vaccinated groups are reached to 100%. comparad with control group (0.00%).4-The level of serum total proteins in rabbits vaccinated with both types of vaccines didn’t differ greatly from those of non vaccinated animals.5-The serum albumin levels showed non significant decrease in both vaccinated rabbits after booster dose of immunization, then the concentrations return towards approximately control levels, at the end of experimentation time.6-The serum total globulins showed a highly significant increase in both vaccinated rabbits in comparison with those of non vaccinated control group, a long the experimentation period.7-The albumin / Globulin ratios showed significant decrease in both vaccinated groups in comparison with non — vaccinated control rabbits.8-The serum alpha 1-globulin showed a non significant increase during 15 day in both vaccinated groups. While alpha 2- globulin not shoWed any significant change.9-The serum Beta 1-globulin showed a remarkable increase in rabbits vaccinated by irradiated vaccine after 15 and 25 days, but in case of rabbits vaccinated by formalized vaccine showed non significant increase than in comparison to non vaccinated control group. While Beta 2 — globulin had no significant variation, in comparable with the non vaccinatecd control rabbits.10-The serum gamma globulin in both vaccinated groups showed a highly significant increase in comparison to those of non-vaccinated control group along the whole experimental time. Also it was found significant change of gamma globulin between vaccinated groups of rabbits. Irradiated group is high significant increase than formal group.11-The serum IgG in both vaccinated groups of rabbits showed a highly significant increase in comparison with those of control non vaccinated control. Also, there is a significant variation between the vaccinated groups along the experimental period. The irradiated group in high significant increase than formol group.12-The serum level of IgA in both vaccinated groups showed significant increase after 10 and 20 days from the booster dose of vaccination then concentration returns towards control levels approximately.13-The serum level of 1gM in both vaccinated groups showed a significant increase at 15 day post the initial dose and at 25.35 days (post 10 and 20 days from the booster dose), then the concentration return towards that of control levels at the end of the experiment.14-The concentration of serum aspartate amino-transferase activity (AST) in rabbits either vaccinated with gamma irradiated vaccine or 163 go-with formol vaccine did not differ from those found with non-vaccinated rabbits.15-The concentration of serum Alanine aminotransferase activity (ALT) in both vaccinated groups did not differ from those found in non vaccinated rabbits.16-The concentration of serum bilirubin in both vaccinated groups did not differ from those found in non vaccinated control rabbits.17-The concentration of liver nucleic acids contents (DNA, RNA) and total proteins did not showed significant changes between both vaccinated groups (during the experimental period) in comparison with those of non — vaccinated control group.18-The concentration of serum creatinine in rabbits either vaccinated with gamma irradiated vaccine or with formol vaccine did not differ from those found with non — vaccinated control rabbits.19-The concentration of serum urea level in both vaccinated groups did not differ from those found in non — vaccinated control rabbits.Based on our study, it could be concluded that the immune responses were excellent by both (irradiated and formol) vaccines, without significant harmful side effects on liver, kidney and the immune response functions. Therefore, it could be recommended that ionizing radiation (such as gamma rays) could be used in the preparation P.multocida vaccine, perfectly the study prefers this method because it is more practical, and easier in addition to their highly potency than that of conventional formalized vaccine.