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.El-Brashy, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد أحمد محمد البراشي
مشرف / هالة حافظ محمد
مناقش / أسامة محمد عبيد
مناقش / أشرف زيتون
Diagnosis, Radioscopic- examination, questions. Radiography- examination questions.
تاريخ النشر
2014 .
عدد الصفحات
115 p.
الأشعة والطب النووي والتصوير
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - قسم الاشعة التشخيصية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 115

from 115


Acute stroke can lead to major disability and even death in some
MRI is an efficient examination that can rapidly diagnose stroke
and therefore provide better management for the patient.
The goal of (MRI) examination of patients presenting with
neurological manifestations suggestive of cerebrovascular stroke as
hemiplegia , numbness, disturbed level of consciousness ,ataxia and
blurring of vision is to define the site, side (right or left),size ,age of
the infarction and most important to give a definite diagnosis of acute
Our study was conducted on (30) patients. 21 males and 9
females, with an age range between 44 and 65 years. They presented
with one or more of the neurological manifestations suggestive of
cerebrovascular stroke 2 to 50 hours from the onset of symptoms.
They underwent MRI examination of the brain using the following
sequences: (T1WI ,T2WI , FLAIR and DWI) ADC map was added in
10 patients. Any signal intensity abnormality (hyper , hypo or
isointense) seen in the deferent sequences was then compared to the
final clinical diagnosis.
The male to female ratio was 7:3, which showed that males were
more subject to acute stroke probably due to over stress, smoking and
peripheral vascular disease.
DWI showed great superiority in detecting acute ischemic
lesions than T1WI, T2WI and FLAIR. DWI and ADC map were
found useful imaging in detecting ischemic lesions at different stages.
In the hyper acute stage i.e 6 hours of the onset of the stroke ,
the ischemic lesions appeared hyper intense on DWI and hypo intense
on ADC map. In the acute stage i.e 6 hours to 3 days after onset of
stroke, the picture was the same.
On the other hand, FLAIR was superior to T1WI and T2WI in
acute stroke.
Conventional T1&T2WI detected infarctions in 19/30 patients
(63%), FLAIR detected infarctions in 25/30 patients (83%). DWI
picked the lesions in all 30 patients(100%). All the patients who did
ADC map showed hypointense lesions(100%).
DWI is able to depict areas of acute brain ischemia using the
random motion of water molecules within living tissues, in the first
few minutes of vascular occlusion during an ischemic stroke. Lesion
can be rapidly detected as a hyperintense lesion on DWI within
minutes of vessel occlusion and the onset of ischemia. The motion of
water molecules in diffusion decrease in ischemic brain tissue which
can be measured quantitatively with the apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC). DWI is the imaging modality of choice for the timely and
accurate diagnosis of acute stroke.