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تفعيل دور المدرسة المصرية فى نشر ثقافة الحاسوب فى ضوء خبرات بعض الدول /
أحمد، زينب محمد كمال الدين محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / زينب محمد كمال الدين
مشرف / عبدالمنعم محمد محمد
التعليم - وسائل سمعية و بصرية. التعليم - البحوث التربوية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
263 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 279


The culture of the computer tool for change, which must be approved by the school in general in order to achieve effective progress; because it is linked to all areas of work within them, and require schools to the emergence of computer culture by substantially because of their special character and important role to play in any society, culture of computer for schools of education will make the process of structural integrated charge of it all trying to Engineering human brains, which will build the future.
Community now needs to spread computer literacy among students, in schools and various institutions interested in the deployment of culture as in society, that culture Besides computing in general, students gain the ability to deal with a society depends on technology, they cultivate especially the ability to improve learning skills.
That the best way to give the community culture is the focus of all the computational efforts on teaching students how to use the computer and its various programs to deal with.
Problem of the study:
Educational systems in developed societies industrially have focused preparing individuals preparation which prepares them for good use of the computer and information technology; to cope with the challenges ahead, and to overcome the problems existing It is worth mentioning that the decisions of computer literacy or the so-called culture of the computer or use it in some applications simple everyday in our view not enough, but must prepare our students and our children and our teachers to use computers heavily and quality and in-depth understanding in all aspects as a way of life, so that we can overcome the second gap (the gap of computer and information technology) in the future and successfully, as we still suffer from the gap I (industrial gap) so far. This does not come to us only by making our children and our students and our teachers to use computers in all their daily activities; as the computer has become the means of communication instead of paper and pen, and will focus on the knowledge of aspects of using it instead of learning to read and write, and would be a good source but is only available to obtain information itself; in order to blast the prevailing cognitive as schools and universities will not be able to teach our students everything they need from science, or even to add the minimum to reduce the role of the book to its limitations in providing interactive information appropriate to the age of information and it will change the role of the school . Thus, the problem can be formulated in the study question the next president :
What is the role of the Egyptian school in activating computer literacy in the light of the experiences of some countries?
This question is branching out the following questions:
1 - what the computer literacy?
2 - What is the experience of some countries in the dissemination of computer literacy?
3 - What is the reality of the role of middle school in the spread of computer literacy?
4 - What is the perception of the role of the proposed school in activating the deployment of computer literacy in the light of experience of some countries?
Objectives of the study:
The current research aims to:
1 - Study the culture of computer and its fields, and Mbradtha , and methods of their development.
2 - Identify the experiences of countries in the dissemination of computer literacy.
3 - to recognize the reality and the reality of middle school computer learning in middle school.
4 - to imagine a proposal for the school’s role in activating the deployment of computer literacy in the light of experience of some countries .
The significance of the Study:
The significance of this research appears clearly in:
1 - The importance of this study is related to that the computer is from the important vocabulary of the age. where every individual that has the alphabet computer so that it can be interactive with the vocabulary of the twenty-first century.
2 - The study of the reality of middle school in the spread of computer culture in Egypt will be of major impact in the detection of the most important problems facing the middle school in the spread of computer culture, and focus research on ways and methods that depend upon the school in the spread of computer literacy.
3 - Also, the results of the study could be made available to planners for our educational vision of cash through the experiences of some countries in the dissemination of computer literacy in order to avoid the shortcomings that exist in our education system.
4 - What is provided by the study of research problems in computer education contributes to avoid them in various stages of education, especially since there is a decision of the Minister of Education and have taught computers at all levels of education.
The Methodology of the Study:
The ”Descriptive Research Methodologies” is used to review display and analysis of computer literacy in middle school, and areas of appearance within the institution, and a description and analysis of the experiences of some countries, and techniques that are used to develop it, and analyze the reality of the efforts made and the opportunities for the development of computer literacy within the school.
As has been done to study the field and through to prepare a questionnaire and distributed to the study sample, which consists of directors of middle schools and teachers of Computer and Trustees of the laboratories and some members of CCAMLR teaching in the province
( Fayoum and the New Valley and Cairo, Sohag and Kafr El-Sheikh), (centers and villages), in order to identify to achieve the objectives of the extent of computer culture within the school and the methods used by the school in the spread of computer culture, and the requirements they need to use a computer, and constraints of the computer culture, and methods that can be used to activate the school’s role in the spread of computer literacy in middle school.
The Limits of the Study:
The current research is related to:
1 - Place: The study includes schools prep governorates (Cairo, Fayoum, Sohag, Kafr El-Sheikh, the New Valley) (centers and villages), has been selected Cairo as it capital, and Kfraheik representative of the face of the sea, Sohag and Fayoum, a representative of the level, and the New Valley representative of the provinces, which are created newly.
2 - Human: the study was conducted on a stratified random sample of managers and teachers and secretaries of computer labs and some faculty members, with a total study sample 1599 individuals.
3 - Subjective: to clarify the nature of the study focused on culture and computing fields and methods that are used to spread computer culture within the school and constraints, and focused on studying the methods of spreading the culture of the computer and its stages and the ways in which are selected Computer teachers.
4 – time : This field study is from March 2011 to December 2011.
Procedures of the Study:
The steps of the study unfold as follows:
The first step: general framework of the study include: Introduction to research, problem, objectives, and its importance, and previous studies, the methodology used, and the limits of research and steps to go.
Step Two: Show the theoretical concept of the computer literacy and objectives, types and fields and their characteristics and reasons, and some methods that can be used to develop it.
The third step: a theoretical analysis of the experience of some developed countries and some Arab countries and how to use them.
Step four: an analytical study of the reality of the theory of middle school in Egypt and the reality of learning in middle school computer.
Step five: the field study include identifying the objectives of the computer culture and the methods used by the school in the dissemination of computer literacy and the requirements of the development of computer culture, a culture and constraints of the computer, and methods that can be relied upon for the dissemination of computer literacy within the school.
Step Six: The proposed concept includes: foundations, and Msalmath, and its implementation mechanisms, and constraints and ways to overcome them.
The Findings and Recommendations:
The study ended with a proposal to advance a vision to activate the school’s role in spreading the culture of the computer and found the following results:
1 - several opportunities currently available is in the state’s efforts to improve the educational process encourages the dissemination of computer literacy, such as national standards for education and the strategic plan for the pre-university education in Egypt.
2 - attention to the training of teachers and secretaries of laboratory methods to spread the culture of the computer.
3 - interest in using new methods to activate the deployment of computer literacy within the school, such as that characterized the business climate of openness and freedom, and to discuss new ideas, and do the exercise education and training on an ongoing basis, and the training of teacher training on a regular basis to use the computer efficiently, and provide educational programs for students to remove the dread of use the computer as a complex and unfamiliar to each other, working to motivate teachers to use computers in education (physically and morally), giving students the opportunity to express an opinion on the problems they face in their dealings with the computer.
4 - to strengthen freedom and relying on decentralization in school management, and management support from the school site, to provide an atmosphere of trust which allows the staff and the director of the school experience new ideas and practice different approaches to solve problems, and the exploitation of resources and potential of the school in an effective manner.
It depends on some bases and requirements and it can be achieved through the following steps:
1 - Phase I: planning and preparing: relate do to create the school system for the dissemination of computer literacy and include the dissemination of computer literacy, work to amend the organizational behavior of individuals regarding the use of the computer and issue the laws and regulations that determine the attributes, characteristics, and skills of teacher computer good.
2 - Phase II: Performing and is based on training school staff on the use of methods of development of computer literacy in all areas located within the school and create a network of schools; to do the exchange of experiences, skills and achievements they have made among themselves, as well as they can discuss problems, administrative, and technical they face and how to solve them and the work of a guide to school calendar allows schools to evaluate their performance, and what he happy with the work, and cause him to default in his work, enabling it to identify the strengths in their performance, and strengthen and weaknesses to be addressed.
3 - Phase III: Control and Evaluation: based development of computer culture I have working on self-censorship to a large extent, where it should do for themselves to monitor their performance and determine the extent of his recovery after training, and should they identify skills and abilities they want their development to help them manage work creatively