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Role of fetal mri in prenatal diagnosis of urogenital anomalies compared with 3d ultrasonography /
EL_Menshawy, Heba Samir Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Heba Samir Mohamed EL_Menshawy
مشرف / Medhat Mohammed Refaat
مشرف / Hesham Mohammed Farouk
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
200p. :
الأشعة والطب النووي والتصوير
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - اشعة
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In this study MRI has been successfully used for the evaluation of congenital urogenital anomalies. MRI can be the next imaging modality of choice in children with sonographically detected abnormalities in the urogenital tract especially when ultrasound study is not conclusive
MRU is a promising tool for the assessment of the urinary tract in children. Its ability to provide detailed information regarding anatomy, as well as renal function and drainage in a single study without the use of ionizing radiation sets MRU apart from conventional imaging techniques. MRU can be utilized in patients with iodine-based contrast allergy or impaired renal function, and is likely to emerge as the imaging modality of choice for children with complex genitourinary pathology.

However despite the many advantages of MRU, there were limitations. The major obstacles were the cost and the need for sedation. In addition values used to determine function and classify drainage have not been wholly agreed on. Larger prospective studies and comparison to other imaging modalities are still needed.
MRI is accepted as a highly accurate tool for the evaluation of müllerian duct anomalies (MDA) and thus is commonly used in clinical practice. In addition to characterizing uterine and vaginal anomalies. The sensitivity of MRI is very high for detection of scrotal abnormalities. MRI offers the ability to image frequently associated renal anomalies. Although the reported high accuracy of MRI has been challenged, it is often used as the definitive technique for the evaluation of suspected müllerian duct anomalies, especially before surgery, when clinical evaluation is difficult, and when clinical suspicion is low.
In clinical practice, the results of the MRI examination are used by the clinician in the context of a comprehensive clinical assessment scheme to reach the final clinical diagnosis. Information obtained from pelvic examination, laparoscopy, office hysteroscopy, or other imaging examinations such as sonography, sonohysterography, and hysterosalpingography differs from the type of information provided by MRI, but these imaging techniques provide added information that complements the information gained from MRI.
Our study concludes that MRI offers a new promising imaging modality for localization of the undescended testicles because it has better resolution, multiplanar capability, different sequences and is also non hazardous and safe. Also MRI with IV Gadolinium contrast injection is so helpful in cases undetected by US with suspicion of atrophy. We recommended ultrasound as the first modality to start with for localization of the undescended testis because it is available, quick, non hazardous and more cheaper than MRI. Both modalities are complementory to each other and MRI is used when US failed in localization of undescended testis.
With its multiplanar capability and high tissue contrast, MR imaging is suitable for anatomic evaluation of various urethral and periurethral abnormalities. It is indicated for evaluating congenital anomalies, of the urethra. MR imaging is noninvasive and can provide anatomic details about both the urethra and periurethral tissues and the orientation of the lesion in three dimensions.