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” الله والكون فى فكر إخوان الصفا وخلاَّن الوفا” /
محمد، أحمد محمد سليم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد محمد سليم محمد
مشرف / محمود أحمد محمد خفاجى
مناقش / فاطمة فؤاد عبد الحميد
مناقش / عبد القادر البحراوى
الفلسفة الاسلامية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
257 ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الاداب - الفلسفة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 281

from 281


وتتمثل أهمية هذا الموضوع دوافع اختياره فيما يلى :-
أولاً : الوقوف على جانب من التراث الإسلامى بطريقة موضوعية تهدف إلى الإلتزام بالمنهج الصحيح القائم على كتاب الله والسنة النبوية الصحيحة وذلك مع ابراز قيمة الأفكار المختلفة .
ثانياً : التعرف على جماعة إخوان الصفا ومعتقدهم الدينى وكذا فكرهم فى الجانب الفلسفى .
ثالثاً : معرفة طريقة معالجتهم للقضايا والمسائل الفلسفية ، وهل التزموا الخط الفلسفى الذى صاروا عليه كسابقيهم أم كان لهم منهج خاص بهم .
رابعاً : معرفة منابع فلسفتهم وهل أخذوا معتقدهم الدينى بإعتبارهم جماعة من الشيعة الإسماعيلية أم استفادوا من منابع فلسفية أخرى .
فلهذه الدوافع وغيرها قمت بدراسة ”الله والكون” فى فكر إخوان الصفا وخلان الوفا” .
- ومن هنا ، فقد جاء البحث فى مقدمة ، وأربعة فصول ، وخاتمة :
- أما المقدمة فلقد اشتملت على أهمية الموضوع والدوافع على اختياره والتساؤولات التى أُجيب عليها فى ثنايا البحث :
- الفصل الأول : وتناولت فيه الجانب التاريخى والفكرى فى عصر إخوان الصفا ، من حيث : الحياة السياسية والإجتماعية والفكرية فى عصرهم ، والخلاف حول حقيقتهم ، وعرض متكامل لرسائلهم التى اشتهروا بها ومنزلة العقل عندهم.
- والفصل الثانى : فكان بعنوان نظرية المعرفة فى فكر ”إخوان الصفا وخلان الوفا” وعرضت لنظرية المعرفة عند إخوان الصفا ، وقد بينت مذهبهم فى المعرفة والعلم وعلاقته بالنفس ، وطرق المعرفة لديهم ، وفلسفة المعرفة عندهم .
الفصل الثالث : فجاء بعنوان ”الله فى فكر إخوان الصفا وخلان الوفا” وعرض لمفهوم الألوهية فى الفكر اليونانى والإسلامى ، ثم عرض لأدلة وجود الله عند إخوان الصفا ، وتناولت فيه قضايا الذات والصفات والأفعال .
أما الفصل الرابع : والأخير ، فقد جاء تحت عنوان : ” الكون فى فكر إخوان الصفا وخلان الوفا” وقد مهدت له بتمهيد حول الرؤية الكونية فى فكر إخوان الصفا ، ثم تناولت قضية فيض العالم عن الله ، أو نظرية الفيض عند إخوان الصفا ، وعالم ما فوق الكون ” أو العالم الميتافيزيقى” ، كما تناولت بالبحث قضية العالم بين الحدوث والقدم ، أو عالم الكون والفساد ” أو ما يسمى بالعالم الفيزيقى” كل ذلك فى إطار نقدى موضوعى .
This topic in the field of religion and philosophy, or in the field of Islamic thought. The discussion revolves around an important aspect of the thought of ”Ikhwan al-Safa and Khelan al-Wafa”, the group which forms a range of Islamic thinkers who surrounded ancient theories of the Greek philosophers, India, Persia, in addition to their skill in the language and methods of statement and methods of argument and logic. And called themselves the title which means ”Friends of affection”, to attract a large number of supporters and friends to them selves
Perhaps the Ikhwan al-Safa, that we didn’t know certainty any one of them, they hide their names from the public deliberately in order to save their lives which was threatened by the kings of that time as they had declared, or an exaggeration in the concealment of their goals, or ascetic of fame which they thought that it is ephemeral. So they resorted to the code and innuendos in their messages, to be safe, or desire in confidentiality, and so on.
This topic deals with ”God - or the issue of divinity - and the universe - at the thought of these people, to show the foundations of mental and legitimacy, which they built upon their visualization of these two issues, for its metaphysical and humanitarian parts together.
Before declaring The methodology used in the study of this topic, it should be noted to an important thing which is:
It has to be to observed the distinction between doctrine and necessary, or between the correct sayings of doctrine scientists and what people think that it’s some results of them, they often misunderstand the sayings of Ikhwan al-Safa and Khelan al-Wafa , but often they need some of the researchers and modernists results which were not in their minds
Or at least it was not even wanted to them, then binding turns it from right to void, and from the correct to corrupt ... This is not a right scientific approach and its owner is not fair at all fair.
Perhaps Abahian al-Tawhidi noticed the seriousness of this approach Separating between doctrine and necessary, and tried to clear Ikhwan al-Safa’s reputation from what their foe had said about of supplies they did not declare , and perhaps it was not even comes to their minds when it was mentioned that their whole efforts was poured in the area of religious and moral reform
This has necessitated the need for research in this topic, by using the methodology that combines history on the one hand, and the comparison and criticism on the other hand
Historical approach: to view the dimensions of these two important cases, the issue of the divine and the cause of the universe to the ancient philosophers and the Ikhwan al-Safa.
The comparative approach: essential in this study, due to the nature of the topic and the manner of dealing with it by the philosophers including Ikhwan al-Safa.
- The Critical approach: it is attendant in every case, because the critical study of any subject particulars reveals its dimensions, and re-reading it, including production illuminates the way for scholars and students of science in general.
- Therefore, the search came in the introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion as follows:
- Chapter One: it addressed the historical and intellectual side in the era of Ikhwan al-Safa, in terms of: the political and social life and property in their own time, and the dispute about what they are, and integrated presentation of their messages, which were famous of the status of the mind they have.
- The second chapter: an overview of the theory of knowledge at the Ikhwan al-Safa’s thought, and it has statement of the doctrine in knowledge, science and its relationship to the self, and ways of knowledge and the philosophy of knowledge they have
Chapter Three: The title ”God thought Ikhwan al-Safa and times are Wafa” introduced the concept of divinity in Greek and Islamic thought, and then view the evidence of the existence of God when the Brethren of Purity, which addressed cases of self and adjectives and verbs.
Chapter four : The last chapter, he came under the title: ”The Universe in thought Ikhwan al-Safa and Khelan al-Wafa” has paved his paving on the worldview in thought Ikhwan al-Safa, then addressed the issue of the iceberg of the world about God, or emanation when Ikhwan al-Safa, and the world above universe ”or the metaphysical world,” The research also addressed the issue of the world between the occurrence and the old times, or the world of the universe and corruption ”or the so-called physical world” all within the monetary and topical framework.
Then came the conclusion, and the most important findings of the research.
and then:
do not pretend I carried topic right fully, but knows God I did not do my utmost, not meaner it well, not ashamed for approaching perfection, even it’s not a reachable goal, by asking the people of specialization - and they are many thanks to God - whenever i had missed an issue in it, Or one of Ikhwan al-safa’s sayings was confusing for me, and I did not fully understand the intent of it
and if it has a reconcile it is only from the God, and I do not exonerate myself from any malfunctioning or shortening ...