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هيئة الاعداد
مناقش / نادرحسني الجندي
تاريخ النشر
2012 .
عدد الصفحات
700 mg :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية العلوم - GEOPHYSICS
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The Jurassic rocks in the study area (bounded by Lat. 30 24’ : 30 56’ and Long. 26 29’ : 27 01’) are classified into four formations: Ras Qattara, Yakout, Khatatba and Masajid formations, from older to younger respectively. These are composed of sandstone, shale, fine clastics, limestone, respectively. The study is consisted of six chapters, the first contains the location, previous work, methodology, workflow and data.
The workflow is a quite new approach and enhanced by both academic and applied discussions. It started from the Paleozoic paleotopographic map, then single well logs interpretation, multi well correlations, palynological data integration, geochemical/seismic data integrations, mega cycles definition, high orders cycle anatomy, stacking pattern and sequence stratigraphy to delineate the hydrocarbon potentialities. The first step have been achieved through many approaches: 1-seismic of the Basement, 2-gravity/magnetic mapes (seabase), 3-reversed playback of the basin evolution (worm eye/bird eye sections), and finally the isochore maps of the Jurassic rocks. Those will give the relative values of the contours however, the adjustment have been applied by using the paleoshore line.
The second chapter deals with the geologic framework (stratigraphy and tectonics/structures). The stratigraphy of this particular area is represented by : Paleozoic sandstones, Jurassic rocks (our target), Cretaceous formations and tertiary rocks. The Jurassic rocks are generally referred as; Ras Qattara, Yakout, Khatatba and Masajid formations.
The Ras Qattara Sandstone is the oldest sandstone in the Jurassic cuccession. It was reworked from the Paleozoic sandstones in the paleohigh areas (e.g. Qattara ridge). It is finer and more developed than those of the Paleozoic sandstones. The thickness is enhanced towards those ridges, where it widged out towards the opposite directions.
The Yakout Shale is the most homogenous rock unite, however it is inconsistent all over the study area because of nondeposition and/or erosion. In many locations of our area under consideration, it is wholly missed, even with the top part of the older sandstones. The gray colors are the most common except on the top, it is red colores (unconformity surface). It was not affected by erosion in very restricted areas (very low areas at the deposition time). However it has few cores by mistake, it is very valuable ones as it indicates the detailed high orders cycles of that shale.
Khataba Formation contains many classifications and members. The widely used classification is the Shell’s one: Lower Safa, Kabrit, Upper Safa and Zahra from older to younger respectively. Generally the composition of Lower Safa is sandstone which recorded a very huge thickness in certain cases. Kabrite contains fine clastics with carbonate, where Upper safa is formed of fine clastics with sandstones. The younger is shale intercalated with limestone.
Masajid Formation is a pure marine limestone (slope to shelf). It reached its maximum thickness towards the northeast direction (1000 Ft or more), where the minimum is restricted to the central/souther areas. It is not deposited or eroded in the paleohighs (ridges).
The rest of formations (Cretaceous and tertiary) are represented by shale with carbonate intercalations or pure one of those. This continued till the tope formations at the surface (Moghra and Marmarica) those two formations have almost the same composition in that particular area, which is : sandstone, limestone and claystone intercalations.
The structures and tectonics are the comic part of the narration. The events are inverted tectonicall two times regionally at least. The tectonic history started with the Jurassic/E.Cretaceous rifting. The thickness of these rock units in the downthrown sides may be duplicated or redundant. The second phase of tectonic evolution is the Late Cretaceous Inversion. It took place by the strike slipe movement where the en echelon pattern is obvious in the maps and push ups are present. Another inversion happened to the inversion, which returned it back to the rifting tectonics at post Miocene rocks. This rifting continued through Abu Roash Formation where it dies out in Khoman Chalk. The structures which are formed
on top of these events are normal faults in three main directions according to its phase (NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE). folds can be seen in at Bahariya map, with NE-SW axes. Strike slip and en echeloned faultes at the late Cretaceous time.
Chapter three discussed the tectonostratigraphy on the basis of the Paleozoic paleotopographic map. The single well logs interpretation, then the multi well correlation and interpretation led to cycles definition and high resolution anatomy with the integration with seismic, palynology, geochemistry and T-R curves. The later have been prepared on the basis of: 1-O18/C13 curves, 2-Palynology and 3-paleoenvironments correlations, according to Walther’s. the sedimentological and facies model is ready to be used and then we interpret all of the formerly mentioned work in order to study the allostratigraphy, cycles of different orders and cycles tie. The study area has four mega cycles out of six in tha whole Northwestern Desert. Each one has its fifth and sixth orders cycles.
Chapter four translated the allostratigraphic/cycles nominclatures into sequence stratigraphy definitions and nominclatures. The Jurassic cycles stacked into four sequences: the first (oldest; KH10) is consists of three systems tracts (lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts). The second and third (KH20 and KH30) sequences are formed of two systems tracts (transgressive and highstand systems tracts). The fourth (youngest; KK40) sequence contains two systems tracts (lowstand and transgressive systems tracts).
The sandstone development and reservoir quality was studied in chapter five. The best characteristics is assigned to KH20 and KH30. These reservoirs are highly heterogeneous, vertically and horizontally.
The last (sixth) chapter is this one (conclusion and recommendations).
II. Recommendations:
According to the previously discussed points of view, the recommendations were prioritized as the following:
A) Delineation of the hydrocarbon in sequences KH20 and KH30 as illustrated in chapters three to five.
B) Use the clusters that have been identified in chapter three to classify the Northwestern Desert into provinces, which will enable the explorationists to trace or to look for the good quality reservoirs, from sedementological point of view.
C) Apply the same workflow, that have been implemented in this study, to be repeated in another studies and another areas, to achieve a full survey of the Nortwestern Desert potentialities.
D) Integrate and compare the results of these studies and our study as well, to double check and to confirm results in order to maximize the added values.
E) It is better to branch this type of work into two groups: the first is related to very localized work (moderate field size) where the other one is assigned to regional work, based on the former work.
F) Collaborate the academic and applied efforts to have the panorama view and to have the almost complete work (almost free of defects or errors).
G) Systemization of the work based on the aforementioned procedures and workflows.