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Genetic studies of narcissus using biotechnology /
Abd El-Rahman, Hamdy Mahmoud Hamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hamdy Mahmoud Hamed Abd El-Rahman
مشرف / Mohamed Nagib Hasaneen
مشرف / Fawzea Ismael Mohamed
مشرف / Zeinb M. El-Ashry
Cytology. Genetics.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
236 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Department Of Botany
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The present investigation has been carried out at Genetics and Cytology Department, National Research Center in collaboration with Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University.
The study involves:
1— Collection of Narcissus plants. 2— Phytochemical screening of Narcissus tazetta extract.
3— Cytogenotoxicity as indicated and measured by mitotic division. This includes:
a— Seed growth and germination. b— Mitotic index. c— Phase index.
d—Chromosomal aberrations. f— Image cytophotometric analysis.
4—Biochemical and molecular study which includes:
a— Protein banding pattern of treated Vicia faba roots.
b— RAPD-PCR for two Narcissus plants.
5 —-Electron microscopy investigations for treated roots of Vicia faba
includes studies using the transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
The results showed that:
1— Collection of two Narcissus species bulbles, one is Narcissus tazzetta and the other is a commercial species from one of flower producers but, we failed to find an Egyptian wild species from many areas of Egypt from Sinaii to Matrouh and through pass to north coast even in the protected area as El-omaed in Matrouh. Egyptian Narcissus tazetta almost dissappeared.
2— The data revealed that carbohydrates and/or glycosides, sterols and/or triterpenes, tannins are present in considerable amounts in the plant extract. Flavonoids and/or nitrogenous bases and alkaloids are present in excess amounts in plant extract.
3— Genotoxicity test showed that, decrease in the mitotic index in Vicia faba var. with different treatments with water extract of N. tazetta. In addition, the production of many types of chromosomal aberrations. Stickiness was the most frequent besides, micronucleus, banded chromosomes, bridges, laggard chromosomes and others in low frequency as ring chromosome and fragmented chromatin which were appeared only after two recovery periods of Vicia faba roots which pretreated with 3 and 6 hours treatments. Cells treated with 12 and 24 hours give the higher values of chromosomal aberrations followed by those treated with 6 hours treatment. Phase index changed after all treatments as well as after the two recovery periods.
Furthermore, seed germination or growth inhibition or retardation was observed in roots of Vicia faba especially after 24 hours treatment.
Image cytophotometric analysis, revealed that, DNA content or C-value were changed in treated cells. Also, cell cycle phases obviously altered and was pronounced with the decrease in G0/G1 phase and increase in S phase after all treatments, in addition change in chromatin.
4— Biochemical analysis revealed the acceptance of genotoxicity tests where, results of the present study indicate obvious variation in the protein banding patterns of Vicia faba root tip cells. The recorded changes were expressed as variations in the number of separated bands, disappearance or appearance of certain bands, difference in the intensity of one or more protein polypeptides.
5— Electron microscopy investigations for the treated cells of Vicia faba showed changes as disappearance of nuclear membrane, disturbance of cell wall thickening, mitochondrial cristae disappearance and formation of huge autophagic vacuoles after treatments but more adverse after 12 and 24 hours