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body image of children withtype I diabetes
(a comparative study)
Abd-ElAziz Fawzy,Lobna
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Lobna Abd-ElAziz Fawzy
مشرف / Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda
مشرف / Mona Hussin El-Samahy
مشرف / Iman Amin Mohamed
Body image of the children with type 1 diabetes .
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - Pediatric Nursing
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This study is a comparative study, aimed to assess body image of children with type I diabetes and to compare body image of school age and adolescent children with type I diabetes. This study was conducted at an inpatient and outpatient pediatric departments of children’s Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University Hospitals. The study involved all available children (60 school children and 40 adolescent children), at the previously mentioned settings regardless their gender with confirmed diagnosis of type I diabetes for at least one year and aged 6-18 years. The children with other chronic illnesses were excluded. Tools of the study involved a pre-designed questionnaire to assess characteristics of the children and their knowledge about diabetes, body image scale to assess body image of the children and psychometric assessment scale to assess body image, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, loneliness and aggressive behavior of the school and adolescent diabetic children. The main results showed that, the impact of type I diabetes on body image was moderate in both school and adolescent children. There were statistically significant differences between diabetic school children compared with diabetic adolescent children related to their body image and rank, duration of illness, glycemic control, dependency of self-care activities, anxiety, level of education, scholastic achievement, relation with others, knowledge about disease, depression, self-esteem, loneliness and aggressive behavior. This study recommended that; empowering and emphasizing the importance of coping patterns of diabetic school and adolescent children to improve their body image.