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The effectiveness of a suggested blended learning program in veterinary microbiology /
Mohamed, Amira Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة حسن محمد
مشرف / كاميليا محمود عثمان
مشرف / راضي إبراهيم حامد
مشرف / نشوي عبد السلام عز الدين
Veterinary microbiology. Blended learning.
تاريخ النشر
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تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة القاهرة - كلية الطب البيطري - Microbiology
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This study was designed to estimate the feedback of using computer assisted instruction enhance in teaching immunology course in blended learning approach by using instructional design model (ADDIE) analysi design develop implement and evaluate model . The study was applied to third level students through CD produced by the candidate by using multimedia software`s
The era we are living in is often referred to as ”the age of
communication”, the young generation is often called the ”google
generation”, Many medical students have difficulty learning,
Computer-assisted instruction ie, computer animation-can clarify
instruction by allowing students to visualize complex, dynamic
processes in an interesting presentation.
Therefore the present study was targeted to achieve the following
goals; implementation of blended learning for microbiology in
veterinary medicine, Cairo university. Reveal ImmunoCAL CD as pilot
project to convert medical content into electronic course, Use
multimedia different tools in teaching & illustration. Demonstrate
students’ perception to blended learning & self base test quizzes.
Compare different perception to blended learning with (Fair, good,
very good & Excellent) students. Estimate professors & doctor’s
perception for education technology. Detect main concerns for
students & Instructors in blended learning for medical teaching, if it
could be online or not.
The CD application passed through different stages:
Analysis of content & determine instructional goals how to display
data with probable multimedia delivery system.