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The use of the dramatic monologue in Ruth Draper and Jane Wagner /
El-Shokrofy, Ebtesam M. M.
Monologue and scene series. English drama.
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147 p. ;
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The aim of this thesis is the study of the dramatic monologue, which is often defined as a monodrama or a one-person theatre.It has many other definitions such as a solo play, a one-actor play, a one-person show or a solo performance.The common feature of such definitions is the presence of only one character on the stage performing all roles.The question of the thesis thus is how far the dramatic monologue stands by itself as a complete literary form, how far it should be judged on its own terms and how well it sustains dramatic momentum with a single character, how it gives the audience the sense of a ”full” play and how it measures up the subject as an accurate and enlightening portrait.
The thesis is not devoted only to the theoretical study of the dramatic monologue as a literary form, but it is accompanied by a literary analysis of the works of two writers–Ruth Draper (1884-1965 and Jane Wagner (1935-).The former is considered as the grandmother of the form at the beginning of the twentieth century, while the latter as the most prominent follower of the second half of the century.The analysis includes the semiotic approach besides the traditional approaches of themes and techniques.
The thesis is divided, thus, into three chapters.The first chapter includes two sections : the first is devoted to the study of the dramatic monologue while the second covers the semiotic approach.Chapter two sheds light on the works of Ruth Draper with special regard to the chosen texts.Chapter three focuses on the art of Jane Wagner, her monologues in particular.Wagner’s masterpiece is The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe (1986).A conclusion follows summarizing the key areas. Finally, the thesis ends with a bibliography.