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New strategies and technologies in vaccines development /
El-Shaway, Alia Abdel-Moneam Mohamed.
Vaccines - Biotechnology.
تاريخ النشر
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158 p. :
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A prophylactic vaccine aims to elicit immune effector elements such as circulating anti bod ies and various antigen specific memory lymphocytes. In the past decade there have been a number of significant advances in technologies to identify, express and deliver vaccine antigens. As a consequence, many of the vaccine candidates under evaluation look very different from traditional vaccines. In particular, there has been a shift away from the use of whole pathogens or inactivated subunits. toward the use of recombinant purified proteins. This has resulted in the need to develop novel adjuvants and delivery systems to improve the imrnunogenicity of these antigens.A combination of increased understanding of the Immune response and technological advances in molecular biology and instrumentation will be the basis for many new developments in vaccine design. The use of advances in genomics, proteomics. and structural biology will also provide new candidates for peptide vaccines.This study will highlight recent advances in vaccines development, formulation & delivery of new vaccines.