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Certain Performance Aspects of Optimal Load
Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems /
Said Fathy El-Zoghdy،
El-Zoghdy،Said Fathy .
Engineering Calculators programs
تاريخ النشر
[-- 19 ] .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 138

from 138


A distributed computer system is considered to be a collection of autonomous computers
(nodes) located at possibly di erent sites and connected by a communication network.
Through the communication network, resources of the system can be shared by users at
di erent locations. Performance enhancement is one of the most important issues in distributed
systems. The performance of a distributed computer system can often be improved
to an acceptable level by redistributing the workload among nodes. The problem of load
redistribution in distributed computer systems is called load balancing. Load balancing
policies may be either static or dynamic.