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Utilization of some plant extracts in producing natural food additives /
Khaled Mohamed Rashad Makpoul,
Makpoul, Khaled Mohamed Rashad.
Plant extracts .
تاريخ النشر
2009 .
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This work presents a methodology and application for the extration of galactomannans from seeds of three different plant, Date seed (phoenix dactylifera L),fenugreek seed (trigonella foenum) and cactus pear (opuntia SPP) to be used as gum in the food and biomedical indusyries. the galactomannans were obtained by aqueous extraction followed by a precipitation with ethanol. This methodology is simpler and easier for gum preparation than other existing extraction and purification methods ,becouse it avoids the use of organic solvents (other than ethanol),Also it is able to generate food grade substances which is environmental friendly .The yield of extraction in diffrent stages of the process,monosaccharide composition,as well as physical and chemical parameters of the isolated galactomannans were determined .the mannose/galactose ratio of the extracted galactomannas ranged from 1:3 for date seed and 1:1 for fenugreek seed . The viscosity ranged from 86 cpas for date seed to 156 cpas for fenugreek seed . The results confirmed the suitability of the extraction and purification procedures to obtain galactomannans from non-traditional sources in order to be used as food additives for the preparation of some fruit juices and ice cream .