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كفاءة الجهاز الإرشادي في تنمية وتطوير إنتاجية بعض المحاصيل بمحافظة القليوبية /
رشاد، سعيد عباس.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعيد عباس رشاد
مشرف / صابر سيد يس
مناقش / علي قراعة
مناقش / احمد سامي
الإنتاج الزراعى مصر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
155 ص. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - ارشاد زراعى
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 174


In the present study. the acute and short term
chronic toxicity of two anti-inflammatory drugs (Piroxicam
and pirprofen) given alone or in combination with the
anabolic compound (methyl androstenolone acetate) were
investigated. Besides, valuable knowledge about their
toxicities were obtained.
Acute toxicity studies:
The results of the study revealed the following
Piroxicam was more toxic to female rats than males on
acute basls. since the LD~o and LDs4 of females were about
one third those of males. Its acute toxicity was not
antagonized by the anacolic drug.
Pirprofen was equally toxic to male, female, adult
dnd lmmature rats. Its acute toxicity was reduced by about
25% in adult male rats by the anabolic drug.
Short term chronic toxicity studies:
These stud ies were done on 100 adult normal male
albino rats divided into 10 equal groups each comprising
10 rats. The obtained results indicated that the anabolic
.._---- ---- --------------
drug (met yl androstenolone acetate) reduced the mortality
rate of p”rprofen on chronic administration by 5 folds. On
the other hand. the anabolic agent had not effect in the
case of piroxicam.
~~- _._~-
The two antl-lntlamrnatory drugs reduced the growth
rate. while the body weight was constant. The anabolic
drug imp::-oved the harmful effect of pirprofen but this
effect wa3 not observed in case of piroxicam.
Both the anti-inflammatory drugs caused a noticeable
reduction in the weight of the spleen but the other
internal organs were constant. This effect was not
modified by the anabolic drug.
Serum bio·:::hemica1 studies i..
Serwn glucose level
antiinflammatory drugs.
Serwn total proteins, albumin, globulin and albumin
to globulin ratios were not modified In response to
chronic t~xicity of the anti-inflammatory drugs.
was not affected by the
Piroxicam (1.8 and 5.4 mg/kg) as well as pirprofen
high dose level markedly elevated serum bilirubin by
71.25%. 82.5% and 44.94%, respectively. This effect was
-- ---~---- ---- -----.-.,--,,-~ ’1
abolished by the anabolic drug treatment.
Serum transaminase (GOT and GPT) activity was not
pathologically affected by the antiinflammatory drugs.
Both the antiinflammatory drugs induced marked
increment in serum alkaline phosphatase activity. The
effect was more pronounced in case of pirprofen (82.33%)
than piroxicam. The anabolic was able to antagonize the
effect of piroxicamthan that of pirprofen. The increase
of serum alkaline phosphatase along with the increment of
serum bilirUbin is an indicator of drug induced
cholestatic jaundice.
The renal excretory function was not effected by the
two antiinflammatory drugs, since serum creatinine and
urea were not elevated. However. serum urea level was
decreased to 60.46% in response to pirprofen. The effect
was related to slight depression in liver function and
this amount of-nitrogenous compound may be directed to
protein biosynthesis. ThIS erfect was not corrected by l:he
anabo lic agent.
The estimation of serum prostaglandin confirmed that
the anabolic compound may enhance the medic41 effects of
the antiinflammatory drugs or at least shall not
- --- - ---- -, -- -, ---” -- _. -- - - ----- _._--- ----------
anta.gonize them.
Liver biochemical studiest
Piroxicam elevated liver triglyceride content. This
result indicates that a degree of liver fatty deposition
occurred. This effect was not antagonised by the anabolic
Hepatic ribonucleic acid content was elevated in
response to bothpiroxicam and pirprofen by 17% and 19%,
respectively. ThIS effect is probably related to the
increment requirement of proteins needed for drug protein
bindIng and biosynthesis or ~nzymes. Tnerefore. the
protein percentage of liver has been increased. The
anabolic antagonized the effect of the piroxicam while did
not affect on the p~rproten. Hepatic DNA was not affected
by the antIInflammatory drugs.
Liver lysosomal studies indica.ted that chronIC
tOXicity of both piroxicam and pirprofen is related to
excessive labilization of lysosomes. This toxic effect
was minImized to a great extent by the anabolic drug.
Bloodha,matoloqical studies:
Blood haematologlcal studies showed that both
piroxIcam and pirprofen caused a.grdnulocytosis phenomenon.
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This toxic effect was not accompanied by any degree of
anaemia. ; The anabo Ir c agent was not able to correct this
Finally. it is recorrmended that determination of
serum bilirubin and haematological examination of
leucocytes should be done during prolonged therapy with
piroxicam and pirprofen. The concurrent administrat-ion of
anabolic steroid is also very much advisable. Future
studies are recommended to investigate the use ot
anabollcS in combatting toxicity of other types of drugs
and its action mechanism.
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