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الإحتياجات التدريبية للمرشدين الزراعين والقيادات المحلية في مجال استخدام الميكنة الزراعية بمحافظة القليوبية /
رشاد، سعيد عباس محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعيد عباس محمد رشاد
مشرف / محمود محمود بدر،
مناقش / نادية حسين الشيخ،
مناقش / عبد العزيز الشبراوي
الميكنة الزراعية. الإرشاد الزراعي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
250 ص. ؛
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - اقتصاد وارشاد زراعى
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 257

from 257


Agriculture mehanization is considered ’of the most
import~t vital programs in the field ot development. despite
i ts v~i.talimportance it :faced tremendods problems. The most
serious problems are (a) the scaricty of researches and
studies that deal with the determination of t:t;’aininnqeeds
for both agricultural extensionists and local extension
leaders in the fluid of using agricUltural mechanism (b)
Absence of the above mentioned’ research and studies for
hortitculture husbandry engineers (c) not determining the
most important personal and situational independent variables
of the agricultural leaderships with effect training needs.
This can be done through a way with reflects stages or
anqles that depend on this satisfaction. It should also
~uDt l¢now~.dge~related to the idea and how to carry out.
~jeet.i ••• ~or til. at.udy:
- Ob1cctive of this study could be summarized as follows : 1- To determine the differences between the needs of
hortculture husbandry engineers and agricultural
.~en.ioni.ts for the knOWledge, operation practices and
maintenance practices of the mechanical plower.
2- To deteraine the differences between the needs of local
extension leaders, ownerrlnq and not ownerinq mechanical
plower, concerning their Ca) knOWledge related to awaring
about it (b) knOWledge related to how to operation (c)
knowledge related to how to .a1ntenance Cd) it. operation
practipes and ee) it•• aintenance practices.
(3) To determine the relationship between the need degrees of
harticulture husbandry enginettrs· and aqricultural
extensionis~s concerning knOWledge, operation practices
and maintenance practices of the mechanical plower and
each of the following independent variables age, degree of
rurality, degree of agricultural experience, degree of
employment experience, degree of education in the field of
agricultural mechanization nUmber of holded meetings and
panels discussion in the field of using agricultural
mechanization, number of resources for obtaining knowledge
about agricultural mechanization number of training
programs in the field of agricultural mechanization,
degree of individual ownership for farm machineary, degree
of individual use of farm machineary, degree of attitudes
towards form machinary, degree ot attitudes towards
agricultural mechanical stations, degree of family
ownership to farm machineary and degree of family use of
farm machineary.
(4) To determine the relationship b~tween the degrees of need
for local extension leaders ownering the mechanical plower
concerning their (a) knowledge related to awa~inq about it
(b) knOWledge related to how to operation (c) knowledge
related to how to maintenance Cd) its operation practices,
and ee) its maintenance practices and the fOllowing
independent variables : age, nUmber of Children, degree of
family members participation in the farm work, degree of
education, nUmber of other business that individual is
working with in addition to agriculture, size of
agricultural ownership, number of locations on which the
individual has his agricultural ownership, nUmber ot owned
labor farm animals, degree of attitudes towards
agricultural machines, degree ot attitUdes towards
agricultural mechanical station, degree ot educational and
occupational ambitons ot sons, degree of contact with
change agents, degree of participation in those extension
activities related to agricultural ~echanics, degree of
exposure to mass communication means, degree of
cosmopoliteness, number of training programs in the field
of agricultural mechanics number ot owned farm machaineary
and degree of farm machineary use.
Researcb metbods I
To achieve the objective~ of ~his study the following
procedures were carried out
To collect neded data for statistical use, three samples
were selected randomly; sixty agriculture extensionists,
sixty horticulture husbandry engineerinq and 104 local
extens’ion leaders,
_ Two types of questionnaires were cpntructed to get the
responses of agriculture extensionists horticulture
husbandry engineers and local leaders.
Each questionnaire continued two main parts; the first
part consisted of the studied independent variables and the
second part contained questions to measure needs for
knowledge and practices concer~ing the mechanical plower.
Data were collected in winter of 1990 by personal
interviews using a pre-tested questionnaire.
Data analysis :
Mann-Whiteny test, simple correlation coefficient and
step-wise mUltiple correlation and regr••sion analysis were
the main statistical tools used for data analysis.
Research findings :
1- Agriculture extensionists and horticulture husbandry
engineers were in agreat need for all knowledge and
practices related to mechanical plower.
2- It was found that the need of horticulture extensionists
in relation to all knowledge and practices relat related
to operation of the mechanical plower. It waS found also
that the difference between the need of both categories
was very high significant.
)_ In relation to mechanical plower maintenance, it was found
that the need for both horticulture hasbandry engineer and
agriculture extensionists was rel at!’vel y higher. It was
also found that hosticulture husbandry engineer need was
higher than that of aagricul ture extensionists in some
items under study. On the other hand, agriculture
extensionist was higher than that of horticulture
husbandry need in some other different items. However, in
general the difference between each fo their needs was not
significant .
t;- It was found that all local extension’ leaders with and
without ownership were in need for all knowledge and
practices under investigation
~ ) 5- It was found that local extension leaders need with and
without ownership varied from a practice to another and
from a piece type of knowledge to another.
6- It was found that the need of local extension leaders,
with and without ownership, for knowledge about the
mechanical plower was low. The difference between their
needs was not significant.
7- The need of those local extension leaders not ownaring a
mechanical plower for knowledge related to operation and
maintenance of the plower was higher than that of local
extension. leaders who own a mechanical plower. The
difference found between their . needs was highly
9- Number of resources for obtaining knowledge about
mechanical plower and degrees of attitude towards farm
machineary were jointly contributed to 61% of the total
variation interpreting for the need degrees of
horticulture husbandry engineers concerning knowledge
about mechanical plower.
10- Degrees of employment experience, degrees of family
ownership of farm machineary number of resources for
obtaining knowledge about agriculture mechanization were
jointly contributed to 58.8t of the tatal variation
interpreting the need degrees of agriculture extensionists
for knowledge concerning mechanical plower.
11- Training degrees the field of agricultural mechanization
were contributed to 20% of the total variation associated
with the need degrees of horticulture ~usbandry engineers
for practices engineers for practices concerning operation
of the mechanical plower.
12- Degrees of family ownership of farm machinary degrees of
eduation in the field of agriculture mechanization were
jointly contributed to 26.7t of the total variation
interpreting the need degrees of agriculture extensionists
for practices concerning operation m~chanical plower.
13- Number of training in the field of agricultural
mechanization, degrees of ownership for farm machineary
were jointly contributed to 29.3% of the total variation
interpreting the need of horticulture husbandry engineer
for practices concerning maintenance mechanical plower.
14- Family ownership degree of farm machineary, training
degrees in the field of aqricultural mechanization were
jointly contributed to 30.6’ of the tatal variation
interpreting the need of agriculture exten.ionists for
practices concerning maintenance mechanical plower.
15- The degrees exposure to the means of mass communication
were contributed to 18t of the ta~al variation associated
with knowledge need degrees for those local extension
leaders who have mechanical plower ownership in relation
to its awarness.
16- Number of owned labor farm animals, degrees of
cosmopliteness were jointly cont]~ibuted to 21.9\ of the
total variation interpreting the need degrees of those
local extension leaders who have mechanical plower in
concerning how to operate it.
17- Null\berof training programs in the field of agriculture
mechanization were contributed to 11\ of the total
variation associated the need deqrees of local extension
leaders who have m.echanical plower in concerning how to
maintenance it.
18- Null\ber of owned labor fann ardmals, degrees of farm
machineary use, were jointly contributed to 9.1t of the
total variation interpreting the need degrees of those
local extension leaders who have mechanical plower for
operation practices.
19- Number training programs in tne field of agriculture
mechanization were cotributed tc 15t of total variation
associated the need degree. of tho.. loeal extension
leaders who have mechanical :j)lower for’ maintenance
The previous results ind~cat:e. the importance of
considering in the variation in the n ds degr.e of
horiculture haspundry. a9ricultural ext.nsioni.~s and local
extension leaders when desi9nin9 and carrying out any
extension training proqra_s in the field of aqricul tural