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اقتصاديات انتاج اللحوم الحمراء في مصر /
جرجس، انجيل اسكندر.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / انجيل اسكند جرجس
مشرف / محمد السيد راجح
مناقش / محمد الششتاوي
مناقش / محمد السيد راجح
اللحوم الحمراء.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
256 ص. :
العلوم الزراعية والبيولوجية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - اقتصاد وارشاد زراعي
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from 156


The animal wealth represents an important category of the Egyptian National
Economy in view or the nutritional and ecnnomic importance of animal products
which is considered as th~ main source of animal protien necessary for the
formation and growlh or tissuex and tilt’ rc.”generation o ” tissue damaged. It is
also considered as an important source of energy for the: body as well as a source
uf Vil’im;i’:~ A, Hand C, The problem. oLm~,;\t represents un important item of
the Nutrition Security which is given high priority by the Government. ” ”
The animal production of red meat in Egypt has reached about 527.04 thousand
tons with or annual increase estimated at about 0.6% of the annual average
during the period from 1981 to 1989. The value of red meat production has
reached about 40.6% out of all animal production durir g the same period, and
11.63% or all the ~Igricllllllral production during thcsume period, and the
person’s share of animal proticn in Egypt is IO.7gm daily, while the required
standard should be ~:1L~11ld.ri ly to reach the prcvcnlivc nutritive level which
means that our production or animal proticlls should be threefold the present
ptmhh:liull or 1\’11meat, poullry and fish.
The prllhkm or allilllal production in El’,yptlk’pcnds upon the economic problem
in general which is due to the .Iimitcd available dcm~nts and its inability to
sntisfy tIll’ diffl’rl.,’nt desires - which are relatively unlimited of the individuals as
u result of the increase in birth rates, increase uf income und the di~propartion of
income in relation to the eductional and nutritional standard.
Ol,l.’li~ other side, the lowering of the share of the ugricullllr~ section of Ii
lnvesunems in the dc:vclopllll’nt and social plan has arr~cle:d the rate of unimul
(k”c1pIl\I.’IlIS n,”sulting from increased (kpcndL’ncc on animal products, to cope
with the increusing de munds or the pupulatiollthcrcllr.
lnspite of the lnad~quacy of same food nuucriuls like cereals, for example to
meet the population rcquia’I1K”nlS, it is observed that a great area thereof is
transferred to the agriculture or anil1)~l1food ( fodder ) wh~,~h leads to the waste
or these mall’l”ials . - -~
---~-,~~ -----
In addition, inspire of the acute nurritianal gap of ~hich Egypt suffers, speci~lJy
in the nrea of animal production. we do not advise that the Government would
adopt the policy of increasing meat and animal production on the expense of the
hnrvcst required for local consumpnon of export as there is no relative ,tdvantage
in the production meat and animals. It is bcncr to concentrate on the products
which have spcciul udvanttlges and import the required amounts of meat in
udJitioll to the local production in effect right now, and so long us there is some
deficiency in the production of animal and poultry locally, the government
should substitute the support of meat by sUPPOJ1ing the substances required for
animal ,production by imponing their feed and studying what reasons lead to
limitation of rvd mcnt producnon in EgYPI in all Sf cps of production with the
objective of reaching a collection .of results that would lead to laying some
objective recollllllcndutions uiming ut d~vclopjng this production nctivity lending
to effective economy and organizing the economic and social returns.
Anima! production in Egypt meets many problems and dlfficutties which affect
in U direct manner its development and advance which results in obvious
’shortage in the availabiliry of the production ( an item of which is meat) in the
IOC~ll markers, By the accumulation of these problems and difficulries year after
year, the”prices of these products have increased in a dreadful manner and has
rcuchcd 13.15 rimes the originul prices during the period ( 1971 • 1990). Nor
. only that but the increase in consumption was much more thun the increase in
local production as the average annual production during the period 1982 _ 1989
of red meat is ubout 527.04 thousand tons. The annual increase rate wus 0.031
which represents 0.6% of the annual average of production while the average
annual consumption of red mean wus68~ Ihollsund tons. The annual increuse
rate was esrimared or 21.32 thousand tons which represents 5.6% of the average
nnnuul cummlUl’lloll of IOC’! U-,gUI,Dy cnmpmison it iN clear Ihut there is ”hol1uac
in local productlon in •.elation to the increase in consumption. The most
imporuuu limitation factors and the problems meeting meat production arc;
I) The fixccJ uumber ( or ruther the diminishing number ) of productive animals.
2) The stnuJlsi/c uf tunns ullOCltlcd for unilllul pmducrion.
- I ~
’.’ .•....
3) Ulilizing the lInimals ullocared for milk or meat production in performing
agriculture duties .
4) The increase of proportion of consumption and slaughtering of smaU .. weight
ugricuhure animals.
S) Shortage .. both in kind and in amountvof fodder in relation to)~~ level of
distribritlon thereof. .
6) Lowering offcod ..transfer .•efficiency of animals in Egypt due to
deterioration of inherited characteristics and construction.
7) Poor veterenary supervision and care afforded to farm animal. c
R) The wldespreud of dlscnHcNnnd parusltes umans ngrlculture unimals.
9) The inublllty of veterinary services to cover artificial insiminntion for farm”)
animals, .•
’--”-”fh,,’-;miuy -hus ulso inlliCUfcO mar lile rcuivuiucurullilJi”l iji,”,Jw.,;{iv;~h~~ r=;:~hcd __._..• _
LE. 1490.6 Million Egyptian Pounds or 28.68% of the real value of the .
agricuhunal production which amounts to LE. 5197.2 Millions during the period,o’.~...•.,
from 19R2 to 1989, und it was found thut the most important conl’tituents of the ’
’animul production are red meat, milk, poultry, egg, honey and wool, and Ihullhe I,
sluuahtcred of these come ut the head of the fist of animal production as it
reached LE. 604.2 Million Pounds or 40.6% of the real value of anima]
production which umount!t to 1490.6 Million Pounds.
’Nexl comes: I
Milk. pouhry und eggs which reuehed 525.6: 213.8 MiHion’ POunds respectively
Le, about 35.32% and 14.37% respectively.
In addition to the above mentioned factors, we observe that the
amount of meat required for consumption ( whether local or imported) is quite
inudcqu~ltc to meet the consumption needs, in view of the effect of many factors
of which the increase in income of individuals and the mis- distribution thereof.
the incfCuse of populution ..the change of taste of the consumers in relation to
different types of food.
i ~
~”,~u~.~J~~~~~~ __ ”,:_:_-”~ •....•.. ””””,~””””,~~~~_,~~. J ~_c ~ ,_.. t~~
The study has also shown the economic position of the animal products and its
;/ importance in the Egyptian external commerce.
z,.- .;
Thee is a deficit in the balance payment which resulted in increased imports. It
showed also the Importance of animal products in the industry US it is included in
lin;- U1iUiu.r~:o.:r~-of pr(){” meat. milk products, leather and leather
manuCleturo wul rcprcHCntH STent importance in the prcparu’iu.. cf r!:l~!
production by organic fertili1-crs.
It waspolnted out, from the study that meat production depends on six areas
COWl, buffalows, sheep gOUI~,camels and pigs.
Also it showed thut the number of animul ,Iuughtcred locally was continuansly
increasing in all kinds while decreased for buffalows, sheep and camels, the
reason being thut the producer perfers to keep buffalows for the longest period to
make use of them to sell their milk: for free price and at the SQJTlC time, these
animals reach a heavy weight by way of meat accumulation.
; )
AM for sheep and camels, the taste of the consumers has grown to reject them, soII
_t~y are left to reach heavy weights und their milk is being made use of in the
manufacture of certain types of cheese. and then they are slaughtered in the
feusts and other occasions, About camels, they are used in agriculture for
tr;~:~~p~rt:~!!OrplI1l1l(1SCSt,hem slaughtered when they reach heavy weights to be
used for the manulac-ture -or ccrtuin’(y-pcs of --preseved meat products like
”Ru...crmu” (dried beaf = ” Basterma” ).
It was found that the proportion of withdnlwol of cattle in Egypt, out of COWl
wuJ buffalows has reached 6().26% and 54% respectively out of their average
prepllfUliuu. TJIl~ estimated amounts of meat as regards of their sources were
found to be grc~.tcHt Irorn CUWN, fuUnwcdhy bnffulows, then sheep, goats, then
cumelH and (JiltS us the third und fourth in order of importance.
_f ~111(;”tudy has ulso estimated meat production lukiug into conHitJcruliun Lhe
lunuunhl ul’ Uh~U’WW4ICM Il’Muitina frum cud. type scpurutely,
The study has ulso reviewed the factors that affect red· meat production in
A.R.E. and their cftbcts 011 the umouru of men! produced; und these fucrors ore:
~Number of animal heads.
.•Green fodder.
- Concentrated fodder.
- Investments directed to animal production.
- Meat Prices.
It was found thut every fncror of these has n positive effect in the increase of the
amount of meat. The study has also included the consumption of meat in Egypt,
and it was found Ihut rbe average per person of animal protlen is 1O.7gm/day and
thut thill average is so modest as compared to other countries and does not reach
the minimum preventive limit l’ccofllmcmJ&:d hy the World l lealth Organisation
which is 13gm / day! person.
The study has ulso considered briefly the lowering of marketing efficiency in
n~ypt depending on what studies have reached. The study included also the
effect of the price of red mcut on the UIllUliUI alld vuluc of red meal and it was
found thut it has great effect on both.
It is clear thut the Egyprinn citizen needs u great deal of nutrition conciousness to
nave n eleur ldcu ubout th~ rlllbstltullou uf uuiuurl proteln with other alternative
--’~----~-lni;”cU’ product» M:~thHt the only alternative en meat will ’not be poultry us there
”) Ill’d othe r prodUCls thun poultry thc.’t UI’t tlsh, ~~USI Ind milk, und’ il~ products &i,
: ””,n;cs 0fn~9teI~n•