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The effect of media,nutration and growth regulators on propagation and growth of lilium longiflorum.thumb /
Abou El-Ghait,Eman Mokhtar.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Eman Mokhtar Abou El-Ghait
مشرف / Hassan A. Hassan
مناقش / Effat Abd El Basset Ageina
مناقش / Hassan A. Hassan
nutrition. lilium.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
240 p.:
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - بساتين
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 252


The m~st important genu~ of t~e F~ily Lillacea~ for
the garden is probab1S L~llum.

These true Lilies have leng bee~ known as nGarden
Aristocarta~ or Noble plants- They add dignified glory t~
so many g~r’enB and when the, grown in pots or used as cut
flowers, the same dignified beauty prevails.
The present work wa~ undertaken at the farm of the
Faculty of Agriculture Sci~nces at Moshtohour, Zagazlg
University in three auccesa1ve season 1977/1978, 1978/1979,
8nd 1979/1980.
The present work. waB com ueted to investigate the
effect of media~ nutrition and growth regulators on propgetion
and growth of Li11um lengiflorum tb~b.
’rne first experiment was a prellm.in2,rystudy to
investigate the effects of two different media And nutrition
on the growth of the new formed bl~lb1ets of L111um
long1florum Than.a. The first medium (A) consisteo of:
1Selld:: 1,eat mass vlv, where9.s the second one wa.s 1 Sand ’:
1 peat moss: I 1 loam v/v. The bulblets alsu wera subjected
to three different levels of nut~ition as 81 and 53’ On
account of tne previouslY obtained results the first medium
w~s exolud6d and the levols of nutrition were modified to
bo 3
, The new formed bulblets of 1978
wore graded and subj·octe<lto modified nutrient solution
’ Toe same practices were repeated in 1979/
The second exprei.~nt was propag~tion frmu cuttings b,
usi~g lAA ~t 0.00. 100, i50, Z0 p.p,m. and lBA at OO.t, 100,
ZOO I 250 P.1’ .m. Rootone 00.0 and 2000 P.P .m. for both cutt.inS
and scaleS propagation whicn were pre-treated at differ<.mt
tempera tuxes tllen treatod witn the s””,e concentrations of
lAA. IBA and Rootone besides wounding treatments.
The third experiment concerned the effects of nutrition
0[1 the growth and flowering of the me.ture bulbs of
~ilium ~ong1flour~.Thunb.
The important results can Ou summcri~cd as follows:
l. The high.est nubmer of BUrv’ived and ilealthy plo.nts wM
noticed in medium (B) wh.icn conaists of 1 Sand I l 108m :
1 pc~t mosS when supp~ied with tno nign lGvel of nutrition.
Th~ intcract1onof M x N waS signifioant.
2. Bulbleta grown in mcdiwn (B) ai~ificactlY gB~e more
numbur and he,wier leaves as oompared wUIl medium (A). AlsO
using medium (B) significantl,y incre”sed tb8 w~ignts of
3. Tbe nignest percentages of drY matter were those in
lc,avcS, flower st”lk and f~owers of the plants wnich received
the highest ~evel nutrition (85), The medium lavel of nutrit
ion. (8
) gave t he highest perce ntage of dry me. tt er in bul be •
In all different org~ns nutrition did not affect
of 8
whicb. cont”inad considere,bly b.igt10r percent”ge as
compared vd_th other treatments. > The b.igb. level 0~.!l1l~3ti.n incr’,ascd the total c~r\)or~
dretes and tbe soluble Sug~rs especi~l:~ in the flower
[talk and bulbS.
6. The percentage of aurviv”l cuttings norizontnlly p~~nted
were nearly twice tt~D6€ of t hQ vertioe.l ODes.
7. The number of new formed bulblets on a b.orizon~~l cutting
wes m>illY time s as mucn as t b.OOe carried on e. v e rt teal one.
The concentration of IAA in this respect was 100 F.F.m.
8. The heaviest weight of new formed bulblets was obt~ined
from horizontal cuttings tre~ted with IAA ~s 200 F.~.m.
9. IBA had more influence on the development of new
bulblets on the vertically pl~nted cuttings. The suit~blG
concdntration wa.s 100 and 200 p.p.m.
10. Pre-treAtment of cuttings with rootone aur,t st s concentrgt10n
of 2000 F.F.m. remarkably increased the percentagos
of the survival cuttings of both vertioal ~d hDrizont~l
11. Rootone application inereased the number ~f bulblets
par cutting, their weights and diamuters espocially ’,~ith
vertical cutting-
12. Wounding significantly 1ncre~so. tho percentage of
survival Bea.les, number, weights and diamoter of bulblota
form~d on the scale.
13. Storing the bulbs at 100e, before wound trG~tment was
effective for better qu~lityof bulbs butt if qu~ntity of
bulbs is the 80im , storing at room temperature is
14. For higher produ0tion ;)f bu1.blets, IAA may be appliod
88 100 P.P.m. f~r scales fram freshly aug bubls , 15~ P~Ppm.
for scales of bl,llbf previ osuly at ored a.t 100e. n,.rld 2CO P. P. m,
for ttl ose from the 25°C st ared bulbs.
15. The ti’eF-~tment of lBA is depcn6ant on the pr-ovd cu a
storing tecmpcr,qture’. For the highest p;3rcBntago of surv1_v~,\1
sc~lesJ the freahl; d~g bulbs treqted with 200 IBA
we.s the bost. Tho best. treRtmen t which increased t no ll’.JT”bGJ.:’
2~d weight of bulblets *ere 200 P.P.m. (IBA) qpplied 8n
s c o.Lc s from freshly dug bu bLs •
16. RODtone application h~d alight effect on increqsing
tho porcontage of survi”’/:l=t.lsORle s and h8.0 insig .l..1ificrmt
effect on the Dubroer of ’bulolets fromed on a scala. Alsor
it decreassd the weight and diameter Jf fDrmed bulb18ts.
17. Some rootono concentrations showed influGnoe OL prod
ucing bublets on t he scales from bulbs provf. ou aLy fit or e d
in cool or high.. temperaturos.
18. Nutrition of flowering size bulbs is extermely impratant
if better quality of cut flowers is aimed. The high level
cf nutrition in most ceaca significantly inoreaseclthl3: t::tn.j.
w6ight of flower atalks, number of le~ves and its weight of
flower stalk and its circumfrance Rna ai~moter, number ~f
flov’ers, diameter ~illd weight of motber bulb Rnd numbor’ :)f
off8et~ produced.
19. Chemical analysis showed that nitrJgen ~nd phosphorus
percentage 8 wore incre8.s·d in t he different org8..ns wi<th
ulcreasing level of nutrition especially in flow8rse
20. Medium level of nutrition gave the highest perc0nt~gss
\ of ory IDP.tter in bulbs as .well as N, P and K percerctn.g0s
in t(le drs tnA.tter.
~ot~l soluble auger peroentages were high in the lG0~GS
L~ flower stalk ~d bulbs tue highest percentages af reducG~,
plants from tUG me<lium lov:~l of nutrition,whereas1
22~ It ~oulc be rGcG~~endGd to ~se ~ediu~ which consist8d
of 1 3’?.nd ; 1 peat mas B : 1 loam for t [l.E; E;rowth :Jf btllblet f~
eJld bulbs of Liliu~ longif~orum. Thunb.
2). FJr hig~er production of bulb~ets Dll flvwer utqlk cuttinge,
lAA ~pplied as 100 ~~d 200 p.?m. for horiz~nt~l
pl>\flt;ir..g cuttings and I~A applied as 100 and 200 p”P<;m •• f;:,r
vortica~ plenting cuttings. por both. vortic”l ~J’.d hori.,ntal
planting Rootolle nt 2000 F.p.m. can be used.
24. For the ~ghBr production of bulble.s from pre-cooled
bulb scalas, woundir~ c~ be praoticad or IAA must be
applied a~ 150 p.P.m.
25. For the h.igner produc~ion of bulblets from sCAles of
bulbs stored at room tempore.ture• wounding can be prnetio”a
or IAA as 200 p.p.m.
26. For sco~”s from fresllly dug bulbs, U.A must be [l.ppli~a
as 100 p.P.m. Jr lBA as 200p.p.m.
27. 17utri ti:m of flow8.ring size bulbs is 8xtermely im.p:>rt
a..rrt if better que.Ii ty ’)f cut flowers is aimed.