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Study On Evaluation Of Nutrtional Status For Infants In The AGE Of Weaning in Sharkia Governorat /
.Zaki, Dalia Ahmad Mohamad.
Children - Nutrition.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
174 p. :
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A descriptive study was conducted more specifically cross-sectional in nature. The study was carried out in Sharkia
Govemorate on 2006-2007. the aim of this study is to assess the infants’ nutritional status, the mothers’ knowledge about nutritional, weaning and hygienic practices and the effect of socio-economic level on infants’ nutritional status and growth in rural and urban areas. The majority of infant in rural and urban areas were breastfeed and given complementary feeding (64% and 54%) respectively. For bottle-feed infants the percentage was (10% and 8%) respectively in rural and urban areas. While the percentage of weaned infants (26% and 38%) in rural and urban respectively, hence it indicate that, there wasn’t significant difference between feeding type and residence. In the overall population, 11.1 % were found to be under weight (Z-score weight foe age <-2SD) in rural areas at age 19924 months, 12.1 % were stunted (Z-score length foe age <-2SD) in urban areas at age 12-18 months and 11.1 %wasted (Z-score of weight for length <-2SD) in rural areas at age 19-24 months. There was very highly significant difference between moderate socioeconomic level and W / A z-score in rural and urban areas at p<O.OOO, the highest percent for normal growth was (77.8%) in rural areas while in urban was 36.7%. For high socio economic level there was very high significant difference between median ±2SD in rural and urban whereas the percent was (4.4% and 59.2%) respectively, it was noticed that most of subject were in median ±2SD zscore in rural and urban.