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Tarek Abd El- Nasser Helmy,
Helmy, Tarek Abd El- Nasser
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Tarek Abd El- Nasser Helmy
مشرف / Mohamed K. A. Aly
مشرف / Mahmoud A. H. Abdou
مشرف / Emad EL Deen T. Ahmed
مناقش / Farouk S. Badran
مناقش / Safaa M. Mohamed
تاريخ النشر
2008 .
عدد الصفحات
171 p.:
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الزراعة - Horticulture Dep. (Floriculture)
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 197


The present investigation was executed during the two successive seasons of 2006 / 2007 and 2007 / 2008 at the Floriculture nursery at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia Univ. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of vegetative growth, yield components, oil (volatile and fixed) and some chemical composition of black cumin plants to mineral NPK, bio-organic fertilization and active yeast, as well as, salicylic acid treatments. In this regard, two factors were examined, the first factor (A) was mineral NPK (the recommended dose of mineral NPK fertilization) with or without Minia Azotein (M.A.), two organic manures i.e. chicken manure (CHM) at 4 and 8 t / fed. and farmyard manure (FYM) at 10 and 20 t / fed. with or without Minia Azotein, while, the second factor (B) was salicylic acid at 100 and 200 ppm and active yeast at 4.5 g / l. In addition, the interaction between the two factors (A × B) was tested.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows :
1- Effect of mineral NPK and bio-organic fertilization :
1- A- Vegetative growth traits :
• All vegetative growth traits of black cumin plants, namely, plant height, stem diameter, number of branches / plant and herb dry weight per plant were significantly increased by fertilizing black cumin plants with mineral NPK fertilization + Minia Azotein compared with control (mineral NPK without Minia Azotein). There are significant differences for plant height in the first season and herb dry weight in the two growing seasons.
• Supplying black cumin plants with chicken manure at high rate ( 8 t / fed.) and farmyard manure also at high rate (20 t / fed.) each combined with Minia Azotein, increased plant height, stem diameter, branches number / plant and dry weights per plant compared to mineral NPK without Minia Azotein (control).
• There are significant differences between CHM and control for plant height in the first season and stem diameter in the two seasons. On the other hand, remaining treatments of CHM or FYM with or without Minia Azotein, in most cases, significantly decreased all vegetative growth traits of black cumin plants compared to mineral NPK treatment. Therefore, the most beneficial organic fertilization treatments were CHM at the high rate (8 t / fed.) + M.A. followed by FYM at the high rate ( 20 t / fed.) + M.A.
1- B- Yield and yield components :
• Mineral NPK fertilization with Minia Azotein treatment significantly increased number of capsules / plant, seed yield / plant and per feddan in comparison with control (mineral NPK without Minia Azotein).
• All organic manure treatments with or without Minia Azotein significantly decreased number of capsules / plant, seed yield / plant and per fed. compared with control plants (Mineral NPK without Minia Azotein) in the two seasons, except the treatment of chicken manure at (8 t / fed.) plus Minia Azotein in the first season regarding to seeds yield.
• The treatment of chicken manure at the high level with Minia Azotein followed by FYM at the high level with Minia Azotein were the best bio-organic fertilization treatments which produced the least reduction of seeds yield / plant and per fed. in comparison with control (mineral NPK without Minia Azotein).
1- C- Oil determination :
1- C- I- Volatile oil determination :
• Volatile oil percentage and volatile oil yield per plant and per feddan in the seeds of black cumin plants were augmented due to CHM at the high rate (8 t / fed.) + M.A. followed by mineral NPK + Minia Azotein, then FYM at the high rate (20 t / fed.) plus Minia Azotein.
1- C- II- fixed oil determination :
• Fixed oil percentage and yield per plant and per feddan in the seeds of black cumin plants were increased due to CHM at the high rate (8 t / fed.) with Minia Azotein and mineral NPK + Minia Azotein fertilization, while, the other bio-organic fertilization treatments reduced the percentage and yield of fixed oil per plant and per fed. FYM at the high rate (20 t / fed.) + Minia Azotein treatment led to the least reduction in fixed oil (percentage and yield) comparing with control (mineral NPK without Minia Azotein).
1- D- Chemical composition :
1- D- I- Photosynthetic pigments :
• The values of the three photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids) were lactation between increase as affected with mineral NPK + M.A., as well as, CHM (8 t / fed.) and FYM (20 t / fed.) each of them plus M.A. and decrease as affected with the remaining bio-organic fertilization treatments comparing with mineral NPK without M.A.
1- D- II- Nitrogen percentage :
• Mineral NPK + M.A. and CHM at (8 t / fed.) + M.A. treatments led to significant increase in the nitrogen percentage and the remaining organic manures treatments either with or without Minia Azotein decreased N % in comparison with mineral NPK without M.A.
2- Effect of salicylic acid and active yeast :
2- A- Vegetative growth traits :
• Spraying black cumin plants with salicylic acid at (100 and 200) and active yeast, resulted in taller plants, thicker stems, more branches / plant, as well as, heavier dry weight of herb / plant, than those of control (untreated) plants. The most effective treatments which gave the highest values regarding to the vegetative growth characters were active yeast followed by salicylic acid at 200 ppm.
2- B- Yield and yield components :
• The application of salicylic acid (100 or 200 ppm) and active yeast as foliar spray on black cumin plants significantly increased number of capsules per plant and seeds yield per plant and / fed. in comparison with control plants. Active yeast was the most beneficial treatment which resulted in the maximum values.
2- C- Oil determination :
2- C- I- Volatile oil determination :
• Volatile oil percentage and volatile oil yield per plant and per feddan in black cumin seeds were considerably increased due to active yeast and salicylic acid at 200 ppm and 100 ppm. In this concern, active yeast treatment was more effective than salicylic acid treatments.
2- C- II- fixed oil determination :
• Fixed oil percentage and yield per plant and / fed. in the seeds of black cumin plants were augmented due to spraying salicylic acid and active yeast treatments. The highest fixed oil percentage and yield being obtained due to the application of active yeast treatment.
2- D- Chemical composition :
2- D- I- Photosynthetic pigments :
• Photosynthetic pigments, namely chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids were significantly stimulated by active yeast and the two concentrations of salicylic acid (200 and 100 ppm) treatments comparing with control treatment. Moreover, the influence of active yeast treatment greatly efficient in increasing the contents of the three photosynthetic pigments than the other treatments.
2- D- II- Nitrogen percentage :
• Spraying black cumin plants with active yeast or salicylic acid at (100 or 200 ppm) treatments led to significantly increase in the N %. The highest percentage of nitrogen was produced due to the application of active yeast.
3- Effect of the interaction :
3- A- Vegetative growth traits :
• The interaction between mineral, bio-organic fertilization and salicylic acid, as well as, active yeast treatments was significant in increasing vegetative growth characters. The use of mineral NPK + Minia Azotein or CHM at (8 t / fed.) + M.A. in combination of active yeast resulted in the best vegetative growth characters.
3- B- Yield and yield components :
• Yield components parameters, namely, number of capsules / plant, seeds yield per plant and / fed. were augmented by adding mineral NPK + Minia Azotein in combination of active yeast. On the other hand, the best interaction treatments regarding organic agricultural were CHM followed by FYM each at high level plus Minia Azotein in combination with active yeast followed by salicylic acid at 200 ppm treatment.
3- C- Oil determination :
3- C- I- Volatile oil determination :
• The highest volatile oil percentages and yield per plant and per feddan in black cumin seeds were obtained from the combination of chicken manure at the rate of (8 t / fed.) + Minia Azotein followed by mineral NPK + Minia Azotein, then farmyard manure at (20 t / fed.) + M.A. with active yeast or salicylic acid at 200 ppm.
3- C- II- fixed oil determination :
• The maximum fixed oil percentage and the highest values of fixed oil yield per plant and per feddan were obtained from fertilized black cumin plants with CHM at the high rate (8 t / fed.) + Minia Azotein or mineral NPK + Minia Azotein and spraying the plants with active yeast or salicylic acid at 200 ppm.
3- D- Chemical composition :
3- D- I- Photosynthetic pigments :
• Supplying black cumin plants with mineral NPK + Minia Azotein in combination with active yeast led to enhancement of the three photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids).
3- D- II- Nitrogen percentage :
• Plants received 100 % of recommended mineral NPK + Minia Azotein or CHM at (8 t / fed.) + M.A. in combination with active yeast had the highest N % in the dry leaves of black cumin plants.
Recommendation :
• For the traditional cultivation system, it could be recommended to fertilize black cumin plants with mineral NPK at the full dose (200 kg ammonium nitrate (33.5 % N) + 250 kg of calcium super phosphate (15.5 % P2O5) + 100 kg / fed. of potassium sulphate (48 % K2O) / feddan) + Minia Azotein in combination with active yeast (at the rate of 4.5 g / l.) as a foliar spray.
• On the other hand, for the bio-organic cultivation system (clean agriculture). It could be recommended, economically and environmentally, to supply the soil of black cumin plants with chicken manure (CHM) at the rate of 8 t / fed. + Minia Azotein (M.A.) or farmyard manure (FYM) at the rate of 20 t / fed. + Minia Azotein and spraying plants with active yeast at 4.5 g / l or salicylic acid at 200 ppm.