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Steam Power Station Turbine/
Samir Ibrahim Assadullah Abdallah,
Abdallah, Samir Ibrahim Assadullah
Steam Turbine
تاريخ النشر
2009 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 130


This report about steam power plant turbine and consists of six pters. Chapter one consists of general introduction containing its Construction Principles of Operation, Turbine Nozzles, Classification of Turbines, Reaction Chapter two contains Turbine Centerline Components, Turbine AlTangement I.Overview, Turbine Steam Path, Turbine Casings and Rotors (Turbine Casings and ;Stationary Blading/Nozzles Turbine Rotors and BucketslRotating Blades, and .’Turbine Seals ) , HP and IP Turbine Sections and then describe Low Pressure
Chapter three talk about Turbine Valves presenting general introduction about different Turbine Valves and then explain Turbine Main Valves Overview, Main Steam Valve Names, sealing, Separate and Shell Mounted Steam Chests, Admission Modes, Stop and Throttle Valve Internal Bypass Valves, Main Steam Valve Testing, Main Valve Actuators, Extraction Valves, Turbine Drain Valves. Chapter four explain Turbine Lube Oil Systems and describe there major component. Chapter five contains Turbine controls starting with Introduction, and then describes The Flyball Governor Control System (Regulation, Transmitters), Mechanical Hydraulic Amplifiers (Follow-up Piston Type, Pilot Valve Type, and Two Stage Amplifier), Regulation and Its Implications, Non-Controlling Valve Control, EHC Turbine Control Systems, and at the end of this chapter we take the MARK V ELECTRONICS as an example of modem steam turbine unit controls.
At the end of this report; in chapter six; we summarize the Troubleshooting of the steam turbine and its Auxiliaries.