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تصور مقترح لنظام الاشراف التربوي في مؤسسات ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في ضوء بعض الخبرات العالمية /
أحمد، ولاء محمد زين العابدين.
التعليم ادارة. التعليم مؤسسات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
380ص. ؛
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 371

from 371


I- Introduction
Nowadays, the educational policy witnesses integrated changing and developing movements in all fields of the educational process, in light of its state as an integrated and activated educational organization in order to achieve progress and development in all its different elements and in all fields of the educational process. The educational experts insist on the interestedness of whole development and changing processes to include all the different elements of the educational organization at the same time.
Educational supervision is considered to be one of the tools that insure executing all the academic and professional tasks inside the school. All the educational experts stress on the relationship that relates the educational supervisor to the teachers and workers inside the school, because the lack of this relationship, the educational supervisor won’t be able to be sure of the commitment of every teacher and professionals to execute and achieve all the jobs and tasks assigned to them, And how developing the educational and academic progress will be achieved without paying great attention to the educational supervision which is considered to be the stimulus for everyone to achieve the highest level of educational productivity for the school.
It is worthy to note that with the development and progress of the societies, everyone tries to pay attention to special – needs persons in order to prepare them for life that enables them to develop their abilities and capabilities, this could be achieved by exerting great efforts to overcome the problems that face them, then helping them a good – honored work instead of asking people and be an extra load over the shoulders of their families and societies.
The Arab Republic of Egypt is considered to be one of the first Arab countries that direct their attention toward special needs children and issue lots of laws and rules that organize work inside these institutions. It issued also the permanent constitution in 1971 which stresses the right of the special – needs children to learn through a special institution established especially for them.
It becomes very clear from the literature studies that these organizations lack quality in services that are provided inside; i.e. the service of educational supervision that still depends upon the traditional and conventional methods which are nothing more than the survey studies at the time in which there are lots of fields in modern systems of educational supervision.
II- The Research Problem:
The problem of the special needs persons is a very big issue at any society as it hinders and obstacles the development and progress of the nation. These special needs persons receive much more interest on both local and international levels after issuing many legislations and laws which organize their rights.
The basic problem is the lack of an effective supervision system, or the lack of supervisors who are prepared academically good to serve those special needs children and who have the ability to achieve the best goals. The educational supervision in these institutions depends upon centralization because of the lack of the specified supervisors in special education.
Due to what has been mentioned above, the research will try to develop a suggested view for the effective educational supervision which helps to achieve the desired goals of the school. In light of what has been mentioned, the problem of the research is in the following question:
- How to improve and develop the educational supervision system in special – needs institutions in Egypt in light of the modern international directions.
Under this question come these subquestions:
- What is the nature of the educational supervision nowadays?
- What is the nature of the educational supervision nowadays?
- What is the current situation of the educational supervision in special- needs institutions in Arab Republic of Egypt?
- What are the most important international experiences in the field of educational supervision in the Arab Republic of Egypt?
- What is the suggested view for educational supervision in special – needs institution?
III- The Research importance:
The important of the research inflared through increasing the attention of every country _either developed or not _with special needs person, and also from the importance of the institutions that are established especially for them. Because the country believes in the value of caring for the children, it includes in all the legislations and laws the educational policy.
This research focuses on the importance of establishing these institutions on the desired way of offering services, complete caring and learning as well as offering the chances for the learners to study which in turn may lead benefit them with all what is remain to them and exploit them in the way that helps the society to make use of it in light of some experiences of developed countries.
VI- The Research Aims
This research aims at achieving some of the goals which may be confined in:
1- Defining the current situation of the educational supervision in special needs education in Egypt.
2- Defining the principles of the effective educational supervision and defining the methods of making use of it in developing the systems of the educational supervision in special needs institutions in Egypt.
3- Getting aware of the experiences of some developed countries in the educational supervision system in the special needs institution in America, England and Netherlands.
4- Defining the situations and procedures that are necessary to activate educational supervision system, and so to define requirements and obstacles that may be removed in order to reach the desired level.
5- Getting aware of many methods and models of the modern educational supervision in the special needs in situations in America, England and Netherlands, and how to make use of it in developing the educational supervision inside Egypt.
6- Developing a suggested view for the educational supervision system in special – needs institutions in Egypt.
V- The Research Method
The research depends on the duality between both the descriptive method to describe the current situation of educational supervision in special needs institutions in Egypt and the comparative one to compare the educational supervision in Egypt, to the modern international directions in all of the methods and styles of educational supervision.
IV- The Research Procedures
This research depends upon the personal interviews with some teachers and those who held the positions of educational supervision in special needs institutions as well as with the supervisors in order to define the nature of educational supervision process in their own points of view and the problems that encounter them.
IIV- The Research Limitation
1- Topic Limit: studying the current situation for the system of educational supervision in special needs institutions in Egypt, and the comparison countries, and knowing the problems that they are exposed to, in addition to positive and negative points and finally develop a suggested view for educational supervision in special needs institutions.
2- Human limit: it is restricted to:
a- Those who perform the educational supervision in special needs institutions.
b- The teachers of the special need students.
c- Managers of the special need institutions.
3- Time Limit: the time for the study.
IIIV- The Research Terminology
1- The Educational Supervision.
2- Special needs’ Institutions.
3- The Educational Supervision in special needs institutions.
IX- The Research Results:
- Special needs laws didn’t define a visible definition for the educational supervision, or its basic aims, or the applied methods and techniques in special needs’ institutions.
- The lack of permanent standards and rules to evaluate those who work in the field of educational supervision.
- There is decentralization in managing and supervising those who work in the field of educational supervision.
- There are no educational curricula related to the special needs students that are suitable to the abilities and skills of every student.
- There is a gap between school management and the outside community.
- The time period of preparing special needs’ teachers is very short – 8 months.
- The lack of training programs to prepare the fresh educational supervisor to perform the managerial functions.
- There are many teachers for every supervisor, and there are multitudes in professional loads.
X- Recommendations:
- To consider the supervisory requirements that are resulted from the research points of departure to provide an effective program for educational supervisors.
- To apply the system of the consultant teacher that is applied in most of the developed countries as it is one of the ways that helps the teacher to meet some of his friends’ professional and educational needs.
- To set up new special needs classes in some of the deprived countries of special needs services.
- To apply the system of ”Education for All” that is based on issuing some of the laws that control work in special needs’ institutions.
- To prolong the period of internal commissions to two years instead of one year, and to increase the number of persons accepted in these commissions.
- To stress the role of the educational supervisor in special needs’ institutions as he is responsible for education inside the institution. So he should have the chance to deal with the educational supervisors in achieving the supervisory tasks inside the institution.
XI- Further Studies:
- A suggested view for a training program to develop the supervisors’ decision making skills in special needs institutions.
- An evaluative study for the university role in training educational supervisors in special needs institutions.
- A study for showing the required competences for educational supervisors special needs institutions.
- An evaluative study for the role of the General Administration of Special Education (GASE) in the field of special education.